(FTO) "You Know What" (part 4)

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Mario pov

I was asleep for who knows how long all i know is that i wake up to a lot of magical energy coming from outside the cave, I groan because it's disrupting my sleep. I hear Bryan whimper and i call out "The magic disrupt your sleep too?" "yes and no," he replies with a groan. "Oh?" I question, he hums "i can smell Jakey from here, his scent is intoxicating." I laugh, he huffs and says "You'd feel the same way if you smelled Kay." I nod "yeah i know but i don-" I interrupt myself with me taking a sniff of air, I can smell her, the real her. "Bryan you smell Kay?" I ask looking at him he lifts his head and takes a sniff "Oh! The real Kay is here!" he says happily.

Mitch walks in with cookies on plates again, "Just as i thought you two ate them in your sleep." he says, I look to my plate, only to find them gone. "Huh." me and Bryan say at the same time, Mitch smiles and says "Cookies are a courtesy of Jakey." Bryan all but beams and grabs the cookies as soon they are in reach. "So you're not dead." I say as he hands me my plate, "Yeah, apparently rambling helps." he jokes. 

Colin comes wandering in, "Hey Colin." I call, he puts a hand up and walks to his pool before getting into it. "I thought you were sleeping?" Mitch questions, "To low on mana, felt awful, needed magic water." is the reply we get and then Colin is out like a light. "So what was this about the real Kay?" Mitch asks turning back to me, Bryan answers the question with "There's a future Kay who tried to infiltrate the Protectors when the real Kay left, but me and Lo'pho sniffed her out." "Ah" Mitch says taking the thought into mind. "So, you two okay for the night?" Mitch asks, "I'm good" I reply "I should be good, just don't let Jakey near me," Bryan says. Mitch smiles and says "Alright then i'll be off good night you two." we wave calling out "night" and then he's gone.

Jazmena pov (Yes im doing me)

I watch three of my brothers sleeping from my stone prison, one that will not release until the sun rises in a few hours. I can hear the snores, the quick and slow breaths of air all throughout Dragon Cave Mansion, it is soothing, until I hear footsteps walking this way. "Oh so this is the cave Mitch was talking about" the man i heard earlier says as he enters the cave. "But i don't see a dragon anywhere." he continues as he looks around the cave. Knowing he wants to see me i release a bit of my power to call his name "Alomose." He tenses looking around the cave "In the back Alomose." he looks upon my stone prison, "A statue?" he questions walking to me "No a prison, for a day when the sun rises i'll be a dragon once more." I say in return. He nods his head then asks "What is your magic lady dragon?" I hum and reply "Sound, Celestial Dragon Slayer." his eyes widen "how?" I'd smile if I could, "I know because I can hear all, i just prefer people to speak with me." I say, he nods then asks "Why are you imprisoned?" I sigh and say "I did not agree with the plans of the King, and tried to go against them." "Oh? What pray tell where his plans?" Alomose inquires, "He fell in love with a human woman and had a child with her, he wanted to be the one to teach his son dragon slayer magic but we know what happens to dragons who do that" Alomose nods. "So i tried to take the child so i could teach it my magic so the king would still be around," Alomose gives me a are you crazy look, "I was like 16 at the time." I defend myself. "Alomose!" i hear Micheal call from the entrance of the cave, Alomose turns around and i look up, (i may be a statue but my eyes still move) there at the caves entrance is all the guild leaders, my eyes lock with the Brandon, (I know because the dragons slayers talk) and my heartbeat quickens and my mind gives me on word 'Mate.' "Hey Michael." Alomose says with a wave as he walks to the front of the cave, Michael just groans"Ugh, let's go before we disrupt the sleeping slayers in here." they all turn and walk away with Alomose in tow. "I'll come visit you all in the morning." i call out to Alomose, he turns his head and gives me a big smile and a thumbs up, then continues on with the Guild Leaders.

(Yes i made Brandon my mate........I would have done Ritchie or Micheal but i ship them, and will be doing a story about them later.......oops spoilers for what i'm writing, though it wont be comig out for a bit, well the FTO's version, I have way to many stories going on in my head)

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