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(Requested my Ashl0390, hope you like)

Bri pov

My newly adopted sons decided to stop by to see their younger/older (Mitch and Mario are older while Colin is younger than Bryan in my stories) brother, as well as the fact that the SCP dimension came to visit. Kay and Kay Bear are hitting it off smashingly, Lo'pho and Xylo bear are off doing who knows what, or where, SCP Mario is talking with SCP Bryan as they both wait for cookies that Jakey is making and pet Oliver.

Kay Bear comes rounding a corner, with a potion in her paw, and Kay chases after her yelling "PUT THAT BACK YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT DOES!" "NO WAY! I WANT TO SEE WHAT IT DOES!" Kay Bear yells, looking back. She proceeds to trip, and the potion goes flying right onto......my boys. "GAH!" Mario cries out "HUH?" Colin questions "WHA?" Bryan asks confused "GRR!" Mitch growls, all at the same time. A flash of light and..........'OH MY DRAGON'S THEIR BABIES!' the two youngest start to cry, wings flapping in a distressed pattern, and I rush over to them "Sh, Sh, little ones, Momma's got you." I say picking them up Mario and Mitch latch onto my legs, tails swishing in a protective pattern. "Oh my glob! They are so cute!" both Kay's cry out, to which Mitch glares at them, while Bryan and Colin cry harder. I glare at them and say "Keep your voices down their magic. more than likely undeveloped when they deaged." the two cover their mouths and nod their heads. I rock my two sons to calm them and Jakey slowly walks over and hands them some.......sugar cookies? "I thought you only baked chocolate chip." I say giving him a questioning look, "SCP Mario asked if I could make sugar cookies, he said he hasn't had them since he was captured and they're his favorite." Jakey supplies as he wiggles his fingers over Bryan, he giggles and reaches for Jakey's fingers. I sigh and say "Well i need to take them to my house, i have more stuff for potions to reverse this." they all nod and turn to leave "Mario, Jakey?" they both call out "Yes?" "Tell Xylo Bear and Lo'pho what happened they can give the punishment to the Kay's as they deem fit." "WHA!?" "NO!" both Kay's cry out upset, and I hear the others laugh.

Two weeks have passed and these four adorable Hatchlings are the sweetest of creatures that you could have asked for, even Silver said so, when he came over to find out why I canceled our date. They try to be so kind and good and are absolutely the cutest things i have ever seen, sadly they need to turn back to normal "Alright little ones I need to go out and get one more ingredient." they give me a sad looking face, "Aww, don't worry. I'll see if I can get Silver to come watch you." they cheer, and i call Silver on the Lacrima "Hey Silver?" "Sup Bri?" "Can you come watch the dragon kids? I need to go get one more ingredient to turn them back to normal." "Oo, sorry Bri, i can't i'm actually on a mission right now but you should call the other guild masters, I already told them what happened and where their members are, and I'll be right over after I finish this up." I smile and say "Alright, thanks Austin." "No problem Bri. No Fred i'm not, not going to tell my girlfriend i love her." I blush and say "I love you two my big panda." "Love you as well my queen." I turn to the boys they look sad so im guessing they heard, "Well Silver can't come but you'll get to meet your Uncles." they look to each other, then back at me. So I'll take that as an okay, so I call up Micheal, Ritchie and Brandon.

They get here almost right after we hang up thanks to Micheal's shadow travel, i hug them saying "Thanks you three for doing this." "No problem Bri." Micheal says. I turn to the boys "I'm going now boys be nice to your uncles okay?" they all warble (I'm calling it that but they were baby talking to her.) at me. I giggle and get ready to leave, rattling off things they might need and where to find them. "Bri we got this." Ritchie says, grabbing my shoulders, "Go find what you need, we'll be fine until Silver gets here." I nod and kiss my kids on their foreheads goodbye and leave.

Ritchie pov

"Now to-WHERE'D THEY GO!?" I say as I turn to face the babies or so I thought. "WHAT!?" Micheal spins around as does my brother "Blah!" I hear coming from the right, i spin to see Bryan on top of the fence in front of the fireplace, "GAH! Bryan be careful!" I cry out rushing over and grabbing him. "No! No! No!" I hear Micheal yell and turn to see him pulling both Colin and Mitch out from behind the couch, "Mario No!" My brother reprimands worried, I turn to see him trying to get Mario away from a hole in the ground he has somehow dug. things like this continue for hours. Mario gets outside and climbs a tree, Bryan gets in the fireplace, Colin gets in every closet and hides until we find him, Mitch finds the poisons that Bri owns as well as a few Silver stashed here, Mario hides in potted plants, Bryan hides in the oven, Colin somehow hides under brother's poncho!? for an hour, Mitch finds a sword and hits me in the head with it's handle, and they all are biting us when we catch or find them.

"Hey everybody i'm home!" I hear a familiar voice ring out, all the babies freeze and rush to the voice. I look to my two companions and take chase, "Hey you four did you miss Daddy Silver?" Silver asks as the four dragons hug him. He looks up at us and asks "Woah, what happened to you three?" I point to the dragon babies "Oh? So the little devil act for the devil slayers huh?" he asks the babies to which they all laugh falling on their behinds "You mean they are aware of who we are and just did this for fun?" Micheal asks "Nope they don't know who you are but they can sense your magic, and since it isn't dragon related and Bri said she trusts you, since they've never seen you as babies they took you as a semi threat to their Dragon Pack so decided to have fun with you. I had the same treatment when they first met me." he says picking the four up and taking them to the bathroom, to get them washed up, "You three clean up the place i got them." I nod to my two companions and we start cleaning. Twenty minutes later the house it cleaned and Silver comes out soaked and with four freshly cleaned and dressed babies. Colin makes grabby hands at Micheal so Silver hands him over, Bryan makes grabby hands at me and Silver hands him to me, Mario makes grabby hands at my brother so he takes him from Silver. "Now let's watch a movie on the couch." Silver says walking to the living room with Mitch in his arms. We sit on the couch in th order Micheal, Me, Silver and my Brother, I put on a Disney movie and the babies soon fall asleep, Micheal and myself lean back, and Micheal falls asleep, my brother also leans back and falls asleep, "Sleep Ritchie, you need it." Silver says, I nod and lean back falling asleep as well.

Silver/Austin pov

'I really can't move. Shoot! This would be perfect blackmail!' I think as I'm laid on by my friends and the kids. I hear the door open and in walks Bri "Hey guys I'm-" "SHH!" I shush her, she freezes and sees the predicament im in. "Want me to get the camera?" she whispers, I nod and she goes to get it, takes a picture then whispers "I'm going to finish up the potion, then i'll come back." I nod and she walks off. Ten minutes later she's back with 4 potions and places them on the table she grabs Colin and Bryan from Micheal and Ritchie and I ease my way out from under Brandon and Ritchie and grab Mario from Brandon. We take them to their rooms and put them into bed and splash the potions on them, returning them to normal. Then we walk out, I grab a blanket and put it on the Guild Leaders and then we head to bed to get some sleep. "Night Austin." Bri whispers as she snuggles up to me, "Night Bri." I say in return falling asleep.

Outside pov

When the Guild Leaders woke up they were terrified they lost the babies, only for the four, back to normal, dragon slayers to give them a good morning, thank you, and sorry group hug, to which they returned. Life went back to semi normal, the only change was that no matter what the Dragon slayers tried they always called Micheal, Ritchie and Brandon, Uncle while they called Bri, Mom and Silver, Dad. Their guilds found it cute and hilarious but they learned not to make fun of it quick for fear of the all Guild Leaders wrath.

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