The Light of Love

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(Has nothing to do with the story was a side request from a friend, LilEmmaFoxy, hope you enjoy it Foxie)

Micheal pov

I have many things to worry about, Lucas was losing his mind saying we lost a friend, Daveed the imp was saying i was meaner and i know he's right and I am trying but something is blocking it, as for Brandon he's edgy as always, the only thing i don't have to worry about is Pierre, because he has a good heart and is taking us to the in-between to see our old Druid friend.....if only I could remember his name! Those are my thoughts as we follow Pierre to the portal of the in-between, with each flap of my wings my mind spirals deeper into my thoughts. When we arrive there Pierre makes a warning about the things that live on the other side, then we step through the portal.

As we travel to the druid's tree Lucas and Daveed are arguing over the goddess tears, that we all thought Lucas was supposed to have and he's saying this Rian had it, "You were supposed to get them!" Deveed says "No, me and Brandon were sent to get the feather of a pure angel, which turns out they were my wings. Rian went to get the goddess tears, he said he made the moon goddess cry!" Lucas argues back "Will you stop with the imaginary friend! My word there is no Rian! And there has never been a Rian!" Daveed yells back.. I feel the urge to yell at the two of them but i can't, Brandon is just ignoring it, Pierre is ahead of us humming a tune so i don't think he hears the arguing. "Ow!" "Youch!" we all hear and turn to face our two arguing allies only to see them rubbing their heads and a male standing behind them looking angry "Would you two be quiet? I can hear you from the Night Bogs and that's a good distance away." the man growls out and i recognize his voice "Ah Druid, we found you." I say, he steps forward, past the two he hit, "Michael? Brandon? That you two?" I nod as does Brandon the Druid smiles "Well you two sure changed. Come on, my tree is right ahead." he says then passes us and goes into a tree, we follow behind, our once arguing friends now sulking.

When we reach the top the Druid lights some torches, and winces at the light "Man hate when i have to light torches, they hurt my eyes. This place is so dark and I've lived here for so long I'm used to it." he says turning to look at the group we have, Lucas gasps, and we all stare at him, "Uh your friend okay over there?" the Druid asks "He's lost his mind, so no he's not." Daveed says glaring at Lucas, who turns to Daveed and says "I already told you I'm not losing my mind. The Wild Hunt doesn't affect Angels so i can remember that Rian is missing while you all can't!" "Woah, woah, wait. The Wild Hunt!? Those guys aren't supposed to be in your world!" the druid says directing our attention to him "what do you mean Druid?" I ask he gives me a look, "they mess with your memories, alter it, mess with events, that sort of thing." he turns to Lucas "Tell me what you're friend looked like." Lucas describes him and i get a sudden feeling we're being watched, "well that explains why you don't remember my name, Rian is my twin brother, I was kicked out of the pack for being born human." we blink at him in confusion, except for Lucas he cheers and does a happy dance "I told you I wasn't crazy!"

I see out of the corner of my eye a shadow move and jump in front of Daveed, just as the shadow pounces toward him. In a blink it's gone and there is pain in my chest, I look down and see a dagger handle sticking out "Well, that's unfortunate." I say before falling forward only to be caught by the Druid, he lays me on my back, and a ringing in my ears prominent, all other sounds become muffled. I feel hands yanking out the dagger and pressing on my chest, my vision blurs so i can't see anything, i feel myself about to die, when something is pressed onto my lips. Magic is shot down my throat, warming my body and I can feel myself being healed, the object remains on my lips for a few moments after I am healed, then pulls back and i open my eyes to see......."Rian?" I ask, he smiles and helps me sit up. "How? The Hunt got you! No one could remember you!" Lucas asks surprised, Rian gives a small smile "I let my guard down and they got me, but i was still here following you all. I couldn't stand idly by and see Michael die so I used my Phoenix powers on him while I was erased and it somehow drew me back here." he explains "But did you have to kiss Satan-sama?" Daveed asks, Rian blushes, as do I, "It was a panicked moment of just me wanting to save Michael's life and fearing I'd never get to tell him I like him." Rian admits to which my face grows darker red. "Well you did more than heal him, you reverted him back to his devil form." Brandon says gestring to me, i look down and indeed i am back to my devilish self, I let out a sigh of relief out "FINALLY!" I shout and everyone else laughs. Rian and the druid, who I now remember is Ritchie, rekindle their brotherhood, and we spend the night, when morning comes we head out of the In-Between and head back to my castle to do the ritual to get rid of the Wild Hunt.

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