Start my new life again....

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Heyyyy :) My name is Kathryn. Ummmm This is my first book on Wattpad so yeah lets see how this goes shall we?  ok well here it goes. Umm Yeah ok. This is Start My new Life again. REMEMBER TO VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!  XOXOXO 

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            “Jemma, come on, school today!” My dad said in his Alpha voice. He has been trying to get me up for a while now, for my first day for school. I don’t know why though, there is only two days until summer holidays. I have only been in the country for less than five hours and asleep for three. The flight to Greystone America from Africa was murder, too many emotions. Just the time in Africa was bad, I feel sick and dead inside. This week has been hell. It is Thursday now. Starting from Saturday, five days and in throughs five days three people have died! Ok I need to fake happy, fake smile. Start my new life again.


       Oh yeah I better explain, my name is Jemma Katherina Helena Jane Faith Edle. (I know right, long as name! But my dad said it was necessary but the Katherina Helena Jane are my middle names.) My dad is the Alpha of the Greystone pack so I am half werewolf, since my mum is human, but I am not like any human for some reason. I can sense people’s emotions in the room and with one touch, I am able to see what kind of person they are. Sometimes I see their past or their future. That is why I always wear gloves. They are tight leather ones that just go to the rim of my wrist. It helps when I touch people so that I won’t get the full impact of their mind which is good. People are very interesting but some minds are scary and dark sometimes. Everyone has their own story and some people are beyond crazy and sad, but on the rare occasion I see really kind and happy people. But when there is too much with too many people and their emotions, oh, it is like a war zone in my head. It is worse if I am sad or stress because it just adds on. It doesn’t help when you find school hard and are slow learner. So school is going to be fun! I thought rolling my eyes. Oh wow, even in my head I am sarcastic! I need a life! Ha-ha, nah too lazy. I thought turning on to my stomach burying my head into the pillow.


         Anyway, back to my introduction of my weird family. My father met mum and fell in love when he was in a small village in Africa. They were not mates, but they were still deeply in love they got married and had well, me, and my brother. We were twins. We moved back to Greystone where dad’s pack is and we were welcomed with open arms. I was one at the time and we stayed here for a few years then mum just decided to go, she took Solomon and I with her and we went to Sydney, Australia when we were both twelve at the time. Worst four years of my life! (I am a magnet for bad things, shall we say.) Mum got a boyfriend. Boy, he was a horrible jerk. I loathe him, he hurt me so much. I mean physically. He beat me. Mum didn’t know for four years and he did it every so often, most of the time when she was at work. He moved in with us then it became an everyday thing. He and mum always fought, and then he got my mum pregnant. He slapped her, swearing when she told him. I was in my room but I couldn’t stay in there hearing him hurt my mum so I stepped in. That was the first time mum saw him hit me. Solomon wasn’t there. That was the beginning of the year. That was when she found out. He made me not tell her but I wanted to. He said if I did, he will do worse to me and say that I was lying. Four years without her knowing, only Solomon did and he did what he could to protect me. I still don’t understand why mum stayed with him after she saw him hurt me. I will never understand!

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