Chapter One

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Harry's P.O.V

Just two more minutes to go until my fourteenth birthday. Unlike Dudlet's birthday i don't get anything for my birthday not even a single 'happy birthday' from anyone except for my best friends although they haven't owled me since i got back here which is kinda weird considering that they always send me a birthday card but i guess that they forgot me. Well anyway...back to the Dursley there gone for the whole week so i pretty much have the whole house for myself which is...awesome!!! But even if i have the whole house to myself I'm not aloud to come out of my room and just wonder the house. I look at the clock on the bed side table it said 11:59 p.m. "one more minute" i mumble to myself.

50 seconds later

10 more seconds 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 and...12:00 p.m. I felt a sharp pain in my bady almost like someone poured lava all over my body. I must have passed out because when i woke up i was on the floor. I look at the clock and it said it was 7:30 a.m. I also saw a letter on my bed. I picked up the letter and to my suprise it was from Gringotts. I opened the letter and read it, it said:

Dear Mr.Potter
It have been informed that you have gone through early inheritance which is seemingly odd because as far as i know neither of your parents have any creature blood in your body i suggest you come to Gringotts effective immediately so we can discuss this. I will be waiting for you at the entrance.


Inheritance!?!? What inheritance!?!? I opened my closet door because it has a full body mirror in it. I looked at it and i was stunned by what i saw. I had pale white skin, my body was more muscular than before,i could see without my glasses, my hair was straighter and more tamed than before, i had black dragon wings with red flames on it on my back, i also had red wolf ears and a black wolf tail with red tips on the end of my tail.

'How am i going to hide my wings they are huge!!! Not to mention the wolf ears and tail!!!'i thought and in a blink of an eye my wings, ears and tail disappear.
'Well now i know how to make them disappear' i thought and rushed back to my room to change my clothes and start packing. Why you may ask??? I just have a feeling that I'm not coming back to the Dursley's household ever again i wonder why??? (A/N:Yeah i wonder why??? 😒). I shrunk Hedwigs cage as well because i told her to stay with the Weasley for a while. I shrunk my trunk as well and started walking towards the Leaky Cauldron. When i arrived there i asked the bartender to open the entrance tiwards Diagon Alley. Once it was opened, i made my way towards Gringotts. Once i got near the entrance i was greeted by Griphook.

Third Person's P.O.V

"Mr.Potter your finally here. Let's get started shall we?"

Harry nodded and Griphook led the way towards his office. He opened the door and hold the door open for Harry. He entered and saw a table in the middle if the room eith two chairs. Griphook took a seat and gestured Harry to take a seat in front of him and so he did.

"Okay Mr.Potter i need you to drop three drops of your blood onto this piece of parchment" Griphook said while placing a parchment paper and a needle in front of him. Harry picked up the needle and pricked his middle finger and let three drops of his blood hit the parchment. He sucked his finger to make sure it stopped bleeding while words were forming on the paper and what they saw shocked them both.

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