Chapter Seven

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Hadrian's P.O.V

The party was going great. Everyone was having a good time. People saying how much there happy I'm back, some hugging me and started crying a bit. I was kinda shocked but hugged back and let them cry on my shirt which is now wet. But I'm kinda confused. Why you may ask??? It's because i don't see Uncle Tom anywhere. Like seriously i can't find him anywhere. So i decided to ask my father. I made my way towards my father who was not surprisingly flirting with my papa. Tch...typical.

"Dad where's Uncle Tom???"
He stopped and looked at me.
"Uncle Tom is still not fully human but we will see him tomorrow night"
"But how are we supposed to see him if he's not in human form?"
"You just have to wait and see" my father smirked.

I rolled my eyes.
"If your trying to shag papa do it somewhere more private and not in the middle of a crowded. Papa was blushing while dad put his hand mockingly on his heart pretending to be hurt by my insult. My papa and i laughed. I waved and walked away to let my father go back to flirting with my papa. I was staring at the floor and wasn't paying attention to where i was going until...i bumped into someone. I fell on my butt.

"Oh my goodness!!! I am sorry. I wasn't looking where i was going here let me help you out"

He stuck out a hand to help me out and that's when i finally decided to look up and saw none other than... Draco Malfoy. I just sat there and stared at him. Taking in his perfect structure body, blond platinum hair, stormy grey eyes, his soft looking lips and...

"Umm... Are you alright???"

Shoot i was staring to long at him. I looked away from him and finally took his hand. His hand was so soft and i felt like there was electricity running through my body.

"Thanks..." i mumbled and looked back at him and he had a pinkish tint on his cheek.
"What's your name??? I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy" he said and smiled at me and i swear the room got brighter when he smiled.
"I'm...Hadrian, Hadrian Potter"
"Well Hadrian want to walk outside in the garden? It's a beautiful night for a walk" he bowed slightly and he put out his hand for me to take. I blushed but nodded and took his hand. I felt the electricity again and we made our started making our way towards the garden.

At The Garden

Me and Draco were sitting under a tree watching the stars and pointed out constellations. It's funny really this feels like a date which i really...really hope it is because he is my mate after all. I probably should tell him about it.

"Draco i have something to tell you"
He looked at me and nodded saying that i can continue. I took a deep breath.
"Your my mate" i closed my eyes waiting for my mate to reject me but suprisingly he pulled me up and hugged me.
"Your so silly i already knew you were my mate"
"B-but HOW!?!?"
He chuckled
"I'm a veela. I went through my inheritance last month and found out you were my mate. I wantedto meet you but my parents said that it was better if i wait until i get to meet the most adorable human being on earth"

He started caressing my hair and i couldn't help but melt into his embrace. Even if we don't know much about each other i love him so much i guess you can call it love at first sight.
He lifted my chin so that i would be facing him. He leaned closer to my face. My body moved by instinct and i leaned closer as well. Our nose brushed together. We kissed a soft but passionate kiss and i swear my face was as red as a tomato. After a few minutes we pulled away and i burried my face into he's chest. He chuckled.

"Hadri" he whispered in my ear and could feel his breath
"Mhm" i responded and burried my face further in his chest.
"Be my boyfriend"
I just nodded because i was embarrassed.
"Your adorable when you're embarrassed"
I pulled my self away from he's warm embrace, crossed my arm and pouted.
He laughed and pecked my lips. I was a blushing mess.
"Come on. I think we should go back inside"
I nodded and he tugged my hand and we made our way inside.

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