Chapter Nine

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Severus's P.O.V

After the little reunion we all headed back to our respective household except Tom because me and James insisted him on staying over to suprise Hadrian in the morning. He agreed with a hint of excitement in his eyes because of the thought of seeing his beloved godson again. Well...the only difference is that Hadrian won't try and stopt the supposedly "Dark Lord" from causing "chaos" and "torture" to muggle born wizards and witches which is far from the truth. He doesn't mind muggles he adores them. He only does that to muggles borns that crosses the line like the time that two muggle born wizards almost killed Peter. When Tom saw that he literally opened the pits of hell because of it. I shivered at the memories that happend it wasn't pleasant at all. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Tom who smacked my head. I send him a glare and he just shrugs it off. James rolled rolled his eyes and took out a pair of gloves which is another port key because we can only use it once and teleported back to Potter Manor. James led Tom to the nearest guest room because we were all exhausted from all the excitement. I made my way to mine and James bedroom, threw my death eater mask and flopped myself on the bed not bothering changing my close and fall into a dreamless sleep.

James's P.O.V

After i showed Tom his room i make my way towards mine and Sev's bedroom only to find Sev sleeping on the bed still wearing his death eater clothes. I chuckled at him. He can act such a bi-polar person sometimes. (A/N: Dont worry Sev were one of the same. Bi-polar buddies forever). I took out my wand and mutter a spell which automatically changes him into something more comfortable. I do the same to myself because I'm being lazy and another reason is that it's 2:00 in the morning so for any functioning human being naturally i feel like dropping to the ground and falling asleep and wake up a week later because thats how tired i am. I get into bed and wrap my arms around Sev pulling him close. He slightly opens one of his eyes to only close it again and snuggle up into mu chest. I smile and kiss his forehead and let sleep take over me.

The Next Day

Draco's P.O.V (A/N: Didn't expect him didn't ya)

My mother, father and i apparated to Potter Manor. be more precise my mother and father apparated. I just held my mother's hand seemingly because i still can't apparate yet. My father opened the door for us and made our way inside. Technically this isn't breaking an entry because were welcomed here all the time at least...that's what my father said this morning which i don't
believe because from what i heard from my mother they like to pull pranks and mess around with each other when they were at Hogwarts and they still do. I was kinda shocked that my father used to pull pranks but knowing him he can be free and out going when were with his friend and acts like a cold hearted person when we go put because he has a slight trust issues when it comes to people. My father decided to go and "wake up" Uncle James and Uncle Sev while i went to "wake up" my boyfriend. My father and i exchange sadistic smiles and made our way towards our victims room while my mother was rethinking her life choices. (A/N : Like father like son. So sadistic and scary when it comes to waking up pour souls that just want sleep after a long day *sniff**sniff*) Once i reached Hadrian's room i opened the door slightly to make sure he's still asleep which he still is. I smirk my plan can be executed. I opened the door and shut it making sure not to wake him up in the process. I conjure up a pot and a wooden spoon with my wand. I woke towards his bed with an evil grin on my face. I jumped up and down on his bed and started hitting the pot with the wooden spoon shouting 'RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEAD!!!'. His eyes jerked open and i stopped jumping and hitting the pot. I smirked wickedly at him.

"Good morning Love"
He groans.
"I hate you sso much right now Dray"
I leaned down and give him a kiss.
"Love you too babe"
He smiles and pulls me down for another kiss and we started making out on his bed.

Meanwhile With Lucius

I went towards James and Sev's room because i know there not gonna wake up any time soon because of how late we stayed up. I opened the door and just how i predicted there still out like lights. I smirked sadisticly they have no idea whats about to happen. I conjure up some fireworks that will shoot out a different coloured paint if you try to explode it. I light them up and bolted out the room and towards Cissa who was sitting in the living room reading a book. I sit down next to her and she glares at me but i payed no attention to it because i was waiting for them to come out their rooms and sure enough they did.

I turned around to see James covered in pink paint while Sev was covered in purple paint. I burst out laughing because of how ridiculous they look. They glare at me.
"Why I'm gonna...!!!" they started and chased me around the manor but me James being the athletic person that he is caught up to me and tackled me to the ground. James and Sev started dragging me back towards the living room where Cissa, Draco and Hadrian were waiting. When they saw the situation they burst out laughing. Hadrian and Draco fell on to do floor tearing up while Cissa was still sitting on her chair but managed to drop the book she was reading onto the floor. 'Meanies' i thought to myself. I stood and pouted while James and Sev left to go take shower. When Tom walked into the room rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on in here I'm trying to sle-" he stopped what he was saying when he saw Hadrian.
"Hadrian???" he said almost above whisper.
Hadrian started crying.
"UNCLE TOM!!!" he bolted towards him and attacked him in a hug. He sobbed into his shirt. Draco was attempting not to cry but he failed miserably.
"Come here you"
Draco ran over to them and hugged him as well. James and Sev entered after getting the paint off them. They saw what was happening and smiled along with Cissa and me.

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