Chapter Five

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A/N: James, Remus and Sirius are death eaters and are also best friends with Tom, Lucius and Regulus. Lucius is also nice in this story. Ok...on with the story
James's P.O.V***ING...KIDDING ME!!! MY SON HAS BEEN BEATEN UP UNTIL HE GOT BROKEN RIBS, HIS HANDS HAVE BEEN BURNT AND THAT'S NOT EVEN THE END OF IT OH...NO THERE'S MUCH...MUCH MORE!!! At this point i have to fight the urge to go and kill them...why is tgat you may ask??? Well i know Tom and Lucius will want to join as well because they love Hadrian like their own son and i know when they hear what they did to him they will go on a rampage. So beware the Dursley's we  will get our sweet...sweet revenge. (A/N:Yikes... Well...isn't he scary 😰😱)

"James stop trying to plan a murder we have bigger things to take care of right now, like taking care of our son. We'll think about how to kill them later with the others"Sev said. I'm not suprise that he knows what I'm thinking about anymore. He can see straight through me but i wouldn't want it with anyone else *cough* back to Hadrian *cough*. Sev was talking about something with Griphook while i made my way towards my son that was still out like a light. I pulled down my hood and took of my mask and sat on the side of the bed and just stared at him *sigh* he looks so much like Sev. I was deep in my thoughts when i felt the bed shift a little i look at Hadrian and his eyes is fluttering open.

"Sev!!! I think he's walking up!!!"

He stopped talking with Griphook and rushed to the other side of the bed.

Hadrian's P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see Professor Snape dad.

"Dad???" i asked in a disbelief tone. I know my birth certificate said that he's alive but in hiding...but still it's nerve racking.

"Yeah...I'm here" he said smiling at me. I turn and looked at Professor Snape.
He gave me a sad smile.
"Just call me mom or papa dear"

I looked at them and started crying my parents were here and alive. I finally have a family that cares about me but...what if they don't want me. I cried harder at the thought that my parents don't want me and that's back to the Dursley's for me.

Severus's P.O.V

I was shocked when Hadrian started crying all of a sudden. So i did the first thing that came to mind...i hugged him. His body stiffen when i hugged him but he eventually started hugging back. Not long aftre James joined us as well.

After a while, he stopped crying and we pulled apart.

"What's wrong Hadri??? Why were you crying?" i asked very concerned for his wellbeing. He stared at the floor and mumbled something under his breath.
"What was that?"
"I'm scared that you don't want me...i mean...who would want a freak like me?"

Me and James looked at him shocked why would he think something like that. Grrrr...this is THEIR FAULT for making my son think we would do something like that. Me and James hugged him again.

"We would never do something like that to you..."i said while me and James pulled away from the hug.
"Your mother is right we would never do something like that to you. Your our son and we love you just the way you are"

Hadrian's P.O.V

When i heard that i started crying again but this time I'm crying tears of joy. I hugged them again.

"Thank you...thank you so much" i said barely above a whisper. They smiled.
"Anything for you" they said at the same time and pulled away from the hug.
"Now let's go home...okay?"
I nodded my head and got up from the bed. (A/N:Griphook was watching them the whole time which you gotta admit it's very weird. Like c'mon dude do you know what privacy is???)

My dad put his hood and mask back on and i walked over towards the door with my dad and papa following behind me and Griphook held the door for us.

"Thank you for your services Griphook. May your gold always flow" i said while smiling at him.
"And may your enemies fall before you"he smirked.
"Ohhh trust me...i will" and with that i was fully out the door.

My papa took my hand and we apparated to Potter Manor.

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