Chapter Thirteenth

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A/N: Now the reason that i posted two chapter on the same day is because school is starting soon and i can only play my phone on the weekends. So update is gonna be a little slow. Hope you understand.

Hadrian's P.O.V

Me, Draco, Luna and Neville entered the castle and headed towards the Great Hall. When we entered we saw all the staff already there waiting for the students to take there seat in the Great Hall. Luna and Neville bid us farewell and went to there respective table. I looked at the staff table and saw papa sitting at the edge of the table on the left side. He saw us and gave us a ghostly smile and motions me to come and stand beside him. I smiled and gave Draco a peck on the lips.

"I need to go and stand next to papa. See you later???"

Draco nodded and made his way tp the Slytherin's table while i walked towards papa. All eyes were on me and i rolled my eyes at them. Like seriously have they not seen someone walking in their entire life or are they that oblivious not to realise is that the walk to get to places. I finally reached my papa and stood next to him and waited for the first years to enter and get sorted.

-After The First Years Got Sorted-

Dumbledore aka a sad excuse for a wizard stood up which I'm guessing is to say that they have a new student. Which is me if they haven't realise probably didn't because of how small there brains are especially the Gryffindorks except my real friends of course. Brave and chivalry pfft...brave and chivalry my ass. More like 'i act all brave and tough when I'm actually the opposite of that' i mentally scoffed because i don't understand why Dumblef*ck favours them instead of other houses. I snapped out of my thoughts when Dumbles stopped his rambling and took his seat and Professor Mcgonagall called my name.

"Hadrian Severus Snape"

The students reactions were priceless especially the mudblood and blood traitors. They looked like they couldn't believe what they had just heared. I smirked and made my way to the stool. I sat on it and waited patiently for Mcgonagall to snap out of it. After a few seconds she gains conscious and places the Sorting Hat on my head.

-In Hadrian's Mind-

"Ahhh~so glad that you have found out your true identity Mr.Potter. Which house would you to be sorted in Mr.Potter???"
"What do you mean???"
"Well because you are the Hogwarts Heir you are aloud to choose which house you want to be sorted into"
I mentally smirked
"If that's the case may i be a Slytherin
" Are you sure Mr.Potter???"
"Most definitely"
"Very well then...better be... SLYTHERIN!!! THIS BOY IS THE RIGHTFUL HEIR TO THE HOGWARTS THRONE. THEREFORE HE IS ALOUD TO CHOOSE WHICH HOUSE IS HE WANTS TO BE SORTED IN!!! SO FELLOW SLYTHERINS BE PROUD AND HUMBLE THAT THE HOGWARTS HEIR CHOOSE YOUR HOUSE TO STAY IN UNTIL THE END OF HIS SCHOOL YEAR!!!" he announced to the hall filled with students and leaving them in total shock. Draco stood up and started clapping his hand followed by the other Slytherins.

I smirked, took the Sorting Hat off my head and gently placed them on the stool. I made my way towards the Slytherins table and took a seat next to Draco. He pecked my cheek and i blushed while he smirked.

"Good job dear your the Hogwarts Heir. Now all you need is a throne and you set" he said in a teasing tone.

I rolled my eyes and punched his arm playfully while chuckling. He can be such a goofball sometimes. The food appeared infront of me and i pilled my plate with food. Me and Draco started eating and when i looked up from my food and saw almost all of the students were looking at me. I sighed at this.

"What are you all looking at??? Never seen a couple being lovey-dovey before. Well you should start now because you might see us snogging in an empty corridor" i yelled while i could see Draco and papa trying to hold in their laughter. They seemed to got the message and continued eating their food.

"I'm Pansy, Parkinson. He's Blaise, Blaise Zabini"
I looked up from my food to see Pansy stretching her arm out for me to shake. I stretched out my hand and shook her hand.
"I'm Hadrian, Hadrian Severus Snape"
Blaise stretched out his hand and i shook his hand as well. We countinued eating our food in silence. When i was finished i looked up from my plate to see Pansy smirking at me.
"'re Draco's boyfriend huh???"
Draco who was drinking his water from his goblet started to choke on his water. I patted his back to stop his chocking. After a few attempts he finally stopped chocking and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and pecked his lips. I turned back to Pansy who was grinning from ear to ear.
" that a yes???"
I nodded my head while Draco just glared at her. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. After a few seconds we pulled away.
"Come down love, it's not like she's gonna tell the whole school because the whole school already knows" i chuckled and he nodded his head in agreement and we all chatted about anything we could think about.

After the welcoming ceremony we headed back towards the Slytherins domitory but before we did Dumblef*ck told us that there were gonna be two school joining us for the Triwizard Tournament. We said the password which was half-blood and headed towards our rooms which i coincidentally shared with Draco which i couldn't be happier. We got changed and i walked over to Draco who was already setteled in bed. I laid down next to him snuggled into his chest.

"Goodnight Dray"
"Goodnight dear"

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