Chapter Eight

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Hadrian's P.O.V

After hours of talking, sharing jokes and kissing from time to time it was time for Draco to go back home. Me and Draco were hugging each other at the front door.

"Do you have to go???" i ask burying my head into his chest. I really...really don't want him to leave. My parents and Draco's parents were watching us which is kinda weird but i couldn't care less. This already happened with Griphook at Gringotts. I felt Draco caress my hair and kiss my head.

James's P.O.V

Me, Severus, Lucius and Narcissa were just watching our sons hugging *cough* not weird at all *cough*. At this point they look like one of them is gonna die at any moment which i highly doubt it. I looked at the others and i could tell that they're thinking the same thing. I finally decided to speak up because this has been going on for half an hour besides me and the others need to get some things done in the middle of the night.

"Don't worry you will be seeing each other again tomorrow night when they come over. Okay? Besides i don't think either of you will die the moment you let go of each other" i say the last part teasingly while smirking and the others were chuckling.

They pulled away from each other blushing from embarrassment. I was laughing along with Sev while Lucius and Narcissa were chuckling. Draco and Hadrian were glaring daggers at us and we immediately stopped because have you seen there glares it's terrifying even for Lucius which is very impressive that two fourteen year olds. Scaring a man that wears an emotionless mask and can literally make anyone sh*t there pants just by glaring at them for a second. It took me a few months for me to make death glare somewhat scary for this man which only works half of the time.

After that happend, Lucius and Narcissa made there way towards Draco while Hadrian made his way towards us. The Malfoy's bid us farewell and apparated to Malfoy Manor.

"Alright Hadri get change and go to bed" he nodded and we made his way to his room.

Once he got changed Sev tucked him in his bed and kissed his forehead goodnight.
"Goodnight son"
"Goodnight Dad, Goodnight Papa"
And with that we closed the door to his room very quietly.

At Midnight

Severus's P.O.V

Me and James got changed into a black shirt, black pants and black combat boots because...why not. We put on our black cloak and strapped ourdeath eater masks to the side of our head. We were waiting in the living waiting for Lucius and Regulus to arrive because we all agreed that we would go there together. James was pacing around the room while i was trying to stay awake because of all the energy that i used today so naturally I'm tired as heck. I don't even know how James is still awake. I almost dose off when i heard a quiet POP. I opened one of my eye and saw Regulus standing behind Lucius muttering 'Don't do it. You know the consequences' over and over again while Lucius standing infront of me trying to slap me but was stopped when James slapped his hand away, wrapped his arms around me and gave him a death glare.

"Touch him and your DEAD. You hear me"
Lucius seemed unfazed and mockingly put his hands up in the air in surrender. James looked at Regulus that shrugged and said
"I told him not to but he wouldn't listen to me"
I just rolled my eyes and got up from the chair i was sitting on.
"Anyways Regulus are you excited to see your boyfriend" i asked crossing my arm on my chest and wiggling my eyebrows. He turned 50 shades of red.
"Sh-shut it"
We laughed quietly because we didn't want to wake up Hadrian.
"Let's go before were late for the ritual"

We nodded in agreement and used a port key (A/N :Did i spell this right if not please let me know) which is an old boot and it took us to the Graveyard.

At The Graveyard

Lucius's P.O.V

We finally got there and i was immediately greeted with a smack on the back of my hand i don't even have to turn around to know it was my second best friend, Sirius Black. Over the years we have gotten pretty close and i consider him my best friend but he can be a little annoying from time to time.

Like how he's acting right now. I mentally sigh and turn around facing him with an annoyed expression. Remus was standing behind Sirius giving me a I'm-sorry-for-my-boyfriends-behavior. (A/N : WOLFSTAR B*TCHES)
"Well are you gonna awnser?" he huffed crossing his arm.
I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on his chest.
"I was at nonya"
He raised an eyebrow and gave me a questioning look.
"What's nonya?"
"None of your business" i smirked while Sirius just pouted because he knew he lost.

The others couldn't help it and bursted out laughing. Remus and James were on rolling on the dirt getting dirt on the clothes while Sev and Reg were leaning against each other trying so hard not to fall on the dirt. At this point they were literally tearing up. While Sirius was pouting muttering under his breath such as 'i hate you guys' or 'Why am i friends with you again?' once we were done laughing Remus and James got up and brushed the dirt of their clothes. Remus went towards Sirius and pecked him on the lips and whispering something in Sirius ear that immediately cheered him up. I don't know what he said and i honestly don't want to know what he said. (A/N : Neither do i Lucius, neither do i 🤣😂🤣😂)

James's P.O.V

*Mind link*

"Hey Peter!!! Is it almost time???"
" get the cauldron out and put all the ingredients out ok, ok. Bye!!!"

I closed the mind link and informed everyone that it's time. They went to serious mode (Me : But isn't Sirius mode dangerous??? Sirius :Oi it's not dangerous it's called being optimistic. Me : Sure...and I'm a Hippogriff. Sirius :*Crying in a corner* Me : *Sweat drop*) Sev and Sirius brought out the cauldron, filled it with water and put it on the fire that Regulus lit up. Lucius and Remus put in the ingredients in the cauldron and stirred it anti clockwise until it turned into a lilac colour and the last and most important blood. I cut my finger with a glass shard it would have hurt but I'm a dragon so i don't feel pain. I let three drops of blood drop into the cauldron it and Lucius started stirring it again but this time it's clockwise. We waited until Peter came with the mini Tom. How did he turn out like that you may wonder??? I honestly don't know but oh well...makes it simpler for him to go back to normal.

After a few minutes of waiting Peter finally arrived with Tom thats wrapped up in a blanket. He smiled at us and walked towards the cauldron and dropping Tom in it. We waited for a while when finally Tom emerged from the cauldron. He had brown hair and crimson eyes. He was wearing the exact same thing we were wearing minus the death eater masks. He got out from the cauldron and looked at all of us.
"Missed me???"
We all tackled him in a hug and he just chuckled and hugged us back. We eventually pulled away.
"Don't scare me like that you douche bag!!!" Regulus said glaring at Tom but Tom just smirked.
"Aww babe don't be like that~" Tom said in a teasing tone while Regulus just turned into a tomato. We all laughed happy that our best friend was back with us.


A/N :This is the longest chapter i have ever wrote in my entire life. Well anyways i hope you enjoyed. If you want to ask me any Harry Potter related questions ask away like which Hogwarts House i am. Well...until the next chapter. SEE YOU LATER DARK STARS!!!

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