Chapter Fifteen

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Hadrian's P.O.V

Once we reached the Great Hall we sat down across from Pansy and Blaise. We pilled some pancakes onto our plates and began eating it while taking about the arrival of the two other schools which was supposed to arrive when breakfast was over. We alao have a free school day because of that which I'm glad because classes can get a bit boring sometimes except for potions class because papa is teaching and would deduct points from the Gryffindorks while us Slytherins laugh at them. Good times.

After everyone finished earing Dumbles stood up probably to announce the schools arrival.

"Now that we are all fed and watered i give you Beaxbatons" (A/N : Someone please tell me i spelled that righ. The school name is too complicated to spell)

Like on cue a group of girls came strutting into the room while sighing and stopping a bit to stretch out there arms to the left and right. They we're wearing very tight close which I'm surprised are even allowed. The headmistress went straight to Dumbles and he gave her hand a quick kiss while i mentally gagged. I would much rather be tortured than have that old geezer kissing my hand. I looked at Dray and i could tell he was thinking the same thing. The students went and sat at the Hufflepuffs table. R.I.P Hufflepuff.

"The next school i would like you to welcome is Durmstrang (A/N : Excuse me but are you calling them dumb. But i agree with you 100% because of there school name Dumb-strang. Sorry for those who like the school)

About 20 or so students enter the room the were holding sticks that were on fire(?) they were twirling it around while walking to the front. The headmaster of the school walked up to Dumbles and gave him a hug and went to sit down. The students went to sit down at our table while Draco, Pansy, Blaise and i groaned because we are going to have a stuck up world wide quidditch player with us. How fun. *Sigh* this is going to be a long day.


Draco's P.O.V

Me and Hadrian were near the black lake. He was laying his head on my lap while i was stroking my hair. We were sitting in a comfortable silent just enjoying each others company when someone just had to come and ruin it and by someone i mean Pansy.

"Hey guys!!! Hadri mind if i borrow Draco for a while. Blaise needs help choosing something and is not letting me help him pick it out saying something like 'your gonna take forever to choose or some sh*t like that. He said it'll only take a couple of minutes"

I lool at him waiting for him to say something. He reluctantly nodded his head and looked at me with a frown. I smiled and kissed him softly.

"Don't worry love. It won't take long. I just need to see what that git wants. Then I'll come right back. Ok?"

He smiled and nodded before sitting up so that i could get up. Before i got up i gave him another kiss which he smiled into. After we pulled apart i got up and i waved at him while walking with Pansy to see what Zabini wants. I mentally sighed. Can't i just have one peaceful day with my boyfriend without someone interrupting us.

Hadrian's P.O.V

I was waiting for Draco to get back while reading a book. When i was interrupted by a coughing noise infront of me. I looked at from my book to see Viktor Krum standing infront of me. I sighed, closed my book and placed it on my lap before crossing my arms on my chest to see what this hoe wants. I'm not feeling quite nice today because someone interrupted my time with Dray.

"What do you want???" i asked in a harsh tone.
"I was just wondering what a beautiful person like you sitting here by himself"
I rollrd my eyes and answered his dumb question.
"Well...if you are blind i was reading a book before i was interrupted so he could just ask me a stupid question. So why don't you do me a favour and don't waste my time with your dumbass questions" i snapped at him and he just looks at me with a frown.

He was about to say something but stopped when he heard someone approaching. We looked at where the sounds was coming from and to my luck it was Dray. I picked up my book and rushed over to him and tackling him to the ground with a bear hug. He laughed at my silliness and just wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I wasn't even gone for that long baby"
"I know Dray but someone was trying to hit on me" i turned my head and glared back at the direction where Krum was still standing a bit shocked to know i was already taken.

Dray scowled at him and we got off the ground and we made our way to our room. While leaving a dumbfounded hoe standing there with a shocked face but quickly turned into a glare at my boyfriend. I just glared even harder if that was even possible at this point and turned to look back at where i was walking with an evil grin on my face because i knew how to get the death eaters in and kill a Krummy hoe at the same time. I mentally laughed looks like I'm taking what dad said 'If you do get in trouble make sure to raise hell' which is exactly what I'm going to be doing.

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