Chapter Twenty

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-Timeskip to the second task- (A/N : Sorry to disappoint anyone who wanted to see the part when they get to the ball)

Hadrian's P.O.V

I was walking through the corridors to get to the black lake because i couldn't find Dray anywhere and i looked for him EVERYWHERE. Anyways...apparently that if you put the golden egg in the water it creates a melody instead of screeching sounds. The song was explaining 'we will take something very dear to you and you have one hour to retrieve it or else it will be gone forever'. I don't know what it meant by that but my conclusion is that were supposed to retrieve what the mermaids took from us (which i still don't know what it's talking about) and we got one hour until we lose it permanently. *sigh* I just hope what they took from us isn't that bad and if you're wondering how I'm going to breathe under water for an hour, i made a water breathing potion that can last for two hours. It has a frog like affect so i can breath on land and in water which is pretty neat.


I reached the black lake and the three champions are already there. I walked towards them and stood in between Diggory and Delacour because there's no way in hell that im standing next to the perverted pshyco idiot they call a professional quidditch player.


After (i forgot his name) explained the rules, he blew the whistle and we all dived in. I drank the potion and threw it to the side once i finshed it and dove in the cooled lake. I swam deeper and deeper into the dark lake in hopes that i find what I'm looking for and get the hell out of here.

After a few minutes i found it...well...more like found them. I saw four people tied up and unconscious and ONEOF THEM WAS DRACO!!! I swam faster with my blood boiling. HOW COULD DUMBLE-ASS-A-DORE BE THIS CRUEL!!! I SWEAR ONCE THE PLAN EXECUTES I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE HE SUFFERS FOR WHAT HE DID TO MY DRACO!!! I reached him and used a sharp rock to cut the ropes. I placed him on my back and took a quick look at the other victims. I saw Granger (who cares about her??? Like seriously who???), Cho Chang (again who cares about this slut??? She only cares about getting into oyher guys pants. I should know she tried to seduce me once but that ended with her going to the Hospital Wing because she got a broken nose and leg courtesy of a pissed of Draco) and a small girl girl with blond hair which i suspect is Delacour's s sister. I was about to leave but Krummy boy came with his head was transfigurated into a shark. He came and cut the rope that was tying Hermione using his teeth and swam back to a surface.

'So that's why she's down here. A perverted hoe and an a closed minded idiot. Perfect for each other' i thought to myself and decided now is the perfect time to get back to the surface.

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