A/N:Stay Safe And Indoors

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Hello Dark Stars!!! How is everyone doing. I hope none of you are sick because i wouldn't want my Dark stars falling ill because of the virus out break. I'm a little to late for that because i keep injuring myself and breaking things by accident so that's always fun. I know i don't usually do authors note because i think there a complete waste of time but i just want to let you know that it is advised to stay indoors and not outdoors. After this authors note i will be releasing a new and last chapter for this series. I can't believe that so many people read this and i am  very thankful that people actually like what i write. Again i really REALLY hope none of you are outside right now. That's all from me.

Rm jr.
Signing out

(p.s. My friends call me that because i keep tripping over the tiniest things, breaking things by accident and i keep getting hurt without even noticing it at first)

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