Chapter Eighteen

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A/N : Hey dark stars sorry for not posting in a while. It's because my mom doesn't let me play with my phone on school week so the updates are going to be a little slower than before but I'll try my best to at least get three chapters posted. Okay??? On with the chapter.

-Timeskip to the first task-

Draco's P.O.V

Today is the first task of the Triwizard Tournament and i would be lying if i wasn't worried for my baby boy. Hadri said that the first task has something to do with Dragons but he won't tell me how he found out. I was worried but decided not to push it. I was pacing around in the common room waiting for Hadri to finish changing his clothes. Everyone had already gathered at the arena that the first task would take place. I was thinking aboutthe worst case scenario in my head. I was so lost in my thoughts that i didn't realised Hadri came down trying to get my attention.

Hadrian's P.O.V

I got dressed and went down to the common room to find Draco pacing bacl and forth over and aver again. I tried to get his attention but he seemed so lost in thought that nothing worked. So, i did the only thing i could process in my mind at that moment, i back hugged him. He seemed startled at first but quickly relaxed into my embrace.

"What's wrong Dragon??? Something bothering you???"
He sighed.
"I'm just worried about you getting hurt"
"I'm gonna be fine... Besides i am half dragon"
"What does that have to do with this???"
"That means i can talk to dragons. So... I can just ask for the fake egg"
"*sigh* Just be careful"
I gave him a nod and a reassuring smile. I kissed him before dragging him to the arena for the first task.

-Timeskip until Hadrian's turn because I'm lazy-

I heard the whistle being blown and i rushed out. The crowds were applauding and cheering but i didn't mind that because i was searching for the dragon only to see that there was no dragon in sight. I was confused but i felt like i should head for one of the humongous rocks whi h i did. As if on cue some flames were shot towards me. I came out of hiding and put my hands up in surrender.

"Calm down little one. I came not because i was looking for a fight. I came here because one of your eggs are fake and i wish to have it if you don't mind of course"
The dragon looked slight confused probably because I'm being gentle with her. She leaned her head forward so i could pet her. I gently placed my hand on her head and started petting her softly.
"What's your name little one???"
"My name is Splinter master"
"Is it ok if i have the fake egg Splinter???"
"Of course master"

She moved out of the way and i went to her nest. I picked up mthe fake egg and showed her because i know that she was still hesitant and i let her smell the egg to reassure it. She smelled it.

"You are speaking the truth master. You may keep it"
I smiled at her.
"Thank you little one"

I lifted the egg in the air and the crowd roared with applause (the Gryffindorks weren't but at least Neville, Fred and George were cheering for me). I looked over to where the Slytherins were sitting and saw Draco cheering for me when he saw me looking at me and gave me a thumbs up. My heart swelled and i blushed. I looked at who was sitting next to me and saw my dad sitting next to him covered up of course and saw my papa sitting next to him and saw him clapping very slowly but i know if he could he would be clapping like crazy while jumping up and down. I looked at Dumbles and saw that he was trying to stay calm but i could see it in his fake twinkling eyes that he was furious. The judges started to show my score with a white string floating in mid-air. The first one i got was a ten. The secoand one i got was another ten. The third one i got was another ten (sheesh i must have done good to get three tens in a row. Oh well the more tens i get the better)
The last one i got was a five. Can you guess who gave me the five??? You guessed it the one and only Dumblef*ck but i don't care because I'm in the lead let's just hope it stays that way for a bit.

-At the Slytherin Common Room-

Draco's P.O.V

Us Slytherins decided to throw a party because Hadrian was in the lead in the Triwizard Tournament (like you can call it that anymore) it was a good enough excuse so we did.

I snuck behind Hadrian and lifted him up from the ground causing him to squeak while clutching the golden egg tightly because for some reason he won't put it down. I chuckled and placed him on my shoulders. He looked down at me and i gave him a soft smile he blushes and kisses my head.

"Hey Hadrian!!! You should open it!!!" we heard Blaise yell despite the loud music that was being played.

Everyone in the room started to chant 'open it' over and over againg i looked at Hadrian and his face looked very pissed because it was starting to get annoying even for me but i didn't care because seeing him make that face is hilarious, cute and entertaining all at the same time.

"Fine, fine just shut up will you your making my ears bleed" he said while mockingly rubbing his ear causing some Slytherins to laugh at him because of how over dramatic his being.

The room went silent and he opened the egg. There was a screeching sound coming from the egg when he opened it. We all closed our ears and Hadrian closed the egg back up so there wouldn't be anyone going to Madam Pomfrey because someone lost their hearing because of the horrid sound that just came out of the egg.

"Remind me not to listen to Blaise when he gives ideas that are obviously horrible"
We all laughed while Blaise was mumbling curse words under his breath and i placed him back on the ground causing him to pout.
"I wanted to stay on your shoulder"
I smiled and kissed him softly.
"We can do that another time but right now let's just have fun and focus on not dropping the egg. Yeah???"
He laughed and nodded and we all partied for the rest of the night.

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