Chapter Ten

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James's P.O.V

After the little sob fest. We talked, played games and overall just enjoyed each others company. Making up for lost times that Dumblef*ck took from us. Soon enough it was the time for the death eater meeting to plan Dumbles demise which is gonna be easy because Tom thinks that this year the Triwizard Tournament is gonna be held which gives Dumbles another opportunity to try and kill Hadrian again by putting his name in the Goblet of Fire which is a good time to strike but we need to make sure. Sadly Sev, Remus and Sirius had to attend Dumblef*cks meeting to maintain their as cover as a double spy. Sucks to be them because i know i can't last ten full seconds in there without feeling the urge to go and try to murder one of the members in the Order of Phoenix for hurting my son.

We were sitting at a long table. Tom was sitting of the edge of the table while i was sitting on his left with an empty chair next to me were Sev is supposed to sit and Hadrian was sitting next to it. Next to Hadrian is another empty seat which is saved for Sirius. Lucius and Narcissa was sitting on Tom's right with Draco sitting next to them. Next to him is a seat saved dor Remus. We are currently waiting for them to get back and give us the news about what "adventure" Hadrian is gonna have this year at Hogwarts. We waited for an hour when they finally came back but i could only see Sev and Remus. I guessed Tom was thinking the exact same thing.

"Umm....Moony where's Padfoot???"
He walked up to Tom and whispered something in his ears which made his eyes go wide like a dinner plate but soon regained his composure. He nods and signalled them to sit down. They nodded and went to their respective seat and sat down with me intertwining mine and Sev's hand under the table. He smiled at me and i smiled back before turning my attention to what Tom is about to say.

"So it has come to my attention that we are gonna have that goes by the name Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Fred and George Weasley and Percy Weasley. You may enter the room"

The door burst opened to reveal Sirius escorting some of the Weasley's. The other death eaters was shooked because they thought they were in on it the whole time. They were gonna throw hexes and jixes at them. Before they could fire out the hexes and jinxes, Hadrian enveloped the red haired people in a hug which they gladly returned. The death eaters understood the situation and lowered their wands. After a few minutes they were still hugging and Tom decided to break it up because he got up and made his way towards them.

Tom's P.O.V

I walked towards them because i need to know there specialties. Once I'm in front of them i coughed to get there attention. They look at me and i smiled at them.

"You can have a family reunion later Hades because right now we have a meeting and i need to know a thing or two about them before we proceed so can you please go back to your seat"

They let go of there hug and blushed slightly from embarrassment. Hadrian nodded and went back to his seat. I nodded to Sirius signalling him that he can sit down. He nods and goes to his seat and i turn my attention to the five red heads.

"Ok i need each of you to tell me about your specialties one by one so i know what I'm going to be dealing with to make sure no ones specialties is blowing up a house" i said jokingly and they chuckled.
"How about the oldest to the youngest"
They nodded and the oldest stepped out.
"My name is Bill and i work with the goblins at Gringotts"
"I'm Charlie and i work with dragons"
"I'm Percy Weasley and i work at the Ministry of Magic"
"I'm Fred-
and I'm George-
we like-
to pull pranks-
when they least-
and get-
revenge on people-
who harm our little-
brother figure-
by pulling our most-
extreme pranks" they finished at the same time.

Once they were done i conjured five chairs at the end of the table and motioned them to sit down which they did. I walk back to my seat and sit down.

"Well then now that we got that out of the way let the meeting start"


A/N: Wow... This is the worst chapter i have ever wrote. Well hope you enjoy anyways i promise the next chapter is gonna have Weasley and Granger bashing. There also gonna be going back to Hogwarts for a re-sorting so be a little patient for the next chapter because it's gonna be epic. See you then Dark Stars!!!

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