Chapter Twenty Seven (ᵉᵈⁱᵗᵉᵈ)

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A/n: I know this isn't Harry Potter related buy.... You gotta admit the pictures funny. Anyways... On with the chapter

Tom's P.O.V

I withdrawn my wand and put it back in my pocket.

"Ok now that, that was taken care of. Peter, you and Charlie can turn him to the ministry of magic because Remus, Percy and Oliver are working on disabling the manipulation spell. So the spell should be broken when you get there"

Peter nodded before flicking his wand and making the unconscious Dumbledore float. (A/n : I ran out of Dumbledore insults). He exited the room to go and look for Charlie who was in the Great Hall (where 50% of the students were) with Luna, Neville and Cedric. Bill, Fred and Geroge were outside helping Barty Crouch Jr. undo the manipulation spell on the students. Hadrian was distracting Mcgonagal with his "injuries". Draco was following them so he can help Hadrian take down Mcgonagal (even though he can do it by himself) The only thing that's left to do, is to undo the brainwashing potion effect on the other head of house's and the rest of the teacher. Slight problem with that though is that their not going down without a fight but neither are we.

"James, I want you to go after Professor Sprout, Hufflepuff's Head of House.
(A/n : Thank you to everyone that commented her name). Sev, Regulus. I want you two to search the castle to make sure we undo the spell on everyone. I'm going after Flitwick. Everyone got it??? "

They nodded their heads while taking out their wands.

" Good. You can go now"

They started walking out the room but i before Regulus could leave i grabbed his hand and kissed him. He didn't have time to respond before i pulled away with a smile on my face.

"Be safe. Okay???"

He nodded his head with a blush on his face before exiting the door meeting up with a smirking Sev who witnessed everything.

-Timeskip After They Undo The Manipulation Spell-

Third Person's P.O.V

Luna, Neville and Cedric. Bill, Fred, Geroge and Barty Crouch Jr. we're running around in the Great Hall frantically undoing the manipulation spell that Dumbledore placed on the students and most of the teachers but they could feel themselves getting tired because of the amout of running they we're doing but they couldn't stop now because some of the students we're getting slightly aggressive with them which made them even more tired because of the fact that they now had to dodge and knock out some of the students who we're attacking them. Neville took a short break and sat down. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in not noticing someone aiming their eands towards him.

"Avada Kedavara" they whispered under their breath.

Everyone in the Great Hall could see a green light heading straight towards Neville. Everyone froze in fear while Cedric could feel his heart stop, fearing for his boyfriend's life but he couldn't move... He was stuck in his place with his fist clenched to his side. The green light finally arrived at it's destination but, to everyone's relief, Harry was standing in front of a terrified Neville. His hand outstretched with the green light floating near his hand, anger blazing through his eyes. He pushed the green light back towards the sender making them fall to the ground dead. That person was none other than...

Professor Flitwick (A/n: I'm sorry Professor Flitwick!!! I had to!!!)

Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief while Draco took the liberty to drag the dead body outside while Cedric ran towards his boyfriend gave him a tight hug. And just like that everyone was free from the manipulation that Dumbledore put on them. Tom Riddle was the new principal. Dumbledore was locked up in Azkaban for life. Tom and Regulus started dating (They weren't dating before) Hadrian and Draco got married after they graduated Hogwarts with flying colours. They adopted a kid named Scorpius Malfoy-Potter after three years of being married and in the end, everything turned out fine for everyone.

-The end-


A/n : I am so sorry everyone for the disappointing ending but i just lost motivation for this story but i didn't want to discontinue this book like other authors because i feel bad when i start something that people enjoy and didn't finish but Thank You for reading this book and I'll see you in the next one. Bye Dark Stars!!!!

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