Chapter Twenty One

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-Timeskip to the Third Task-

Hadrian's P.O.V

FINALLY!!! The third and last task. I'm glad this is almost over because i don't know how much longer i could sit in the Great Hall without having the urge to kill Dumblef*ck, the blood traitors and mudblood. Luna and Neville already met Uncle Tom. It didn't go according to plan but hey...Uncle Tom trusts them now (after alot of begging from me whule using my secret weapon. My adorable puppy dog eyes)

My dad, papa, Uncle Luc and Aunt Cissa came to watch while also giving me moral support. Barty Crouch Jr. volunteered to make sure that the four champions don't die in the maze. But little did they know that he's going to make sure that they are less obstacles in my way and that it would be easier for me to make it there first.

Me and the other champions we're waiting infront of the maze with Draco hugging me. He kissed on my forehead.

"Good luck love"

I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Thanks babe"

He smiled and went to go sit down with Uncle luc. Dumbles said that the champion with the highest score will be going first, which is me, then the second highest, Diggory, and so on. I was at the maze entrance waiting for the signal that i can go running in and trust me once the signal was activated i ran like a freaking cheetah because i want to make sure that Krum was the one to get to the trophy first because Uncle Tom has something special for him. While i was running i heard the signal being activated, that means Diggory's in the maze. But i didn't worry to much because i know he won't make it. How do i know that???'ll just have to figure it out. I heard the signal again and i still haven't found the damn trophy. We're did the old man put it?!?! In the ground!?!? I kept running and i finally  found the trophy. I heard the signal being activated which means all three champions were in the maze perfect. Now... I just have to make sure that Krummy hoe finds it first before the others. I decided to hide behind the hedge that the trophy was on. If you're confuse on why is the trophy so important. Let me tell you. The trophy is actually a portkey that leads to Uncle Tom's grave. I'm going to make sure that Krum gets to it first and touches it. When he touches it I'm going to touch it as well and we'll both be transported to the graveyard. Why am i doing this to Krum??? Brcause i was (and still am) mad at him for trying to flirt with me. Like what the heck??? Don't you know what i have a boyfriend means or do i have to knock you on the head so that you'll get it. For a famous quidditch player he sure has a low intelligence system and that's saying something because i think Crabbe and Goyle are smarter than him (no offence). I took a peekand saw Krum running towards the trophy perfect. Soon we'll have our vengeance.

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