Chapter Two

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Harry's P.O.V

My mom isn't my real mom. Thank merlin that my dad is my biological father but go figure that my mom is Severus F***ING Snape. And get this my dad ISN'T DEAD!!! Well...I'm having a splendid day aren't i.

Fake Birth Certificate

Name:Harry James Potter
Birth Date:31st July 1980
Father:James Potter (deceased)
Mother:Lily Potter -Evan- (deceased)
Godfather:Sirius Black

Real Birth Certificate

Name:Hadrian James Snape Potter
Birth Date:31st July 1980
Father:James Potter (in hiding)
Mother/Father:Severus Snape
Godfather:Lucius Malfoy, Sirius   Black, Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Tom Riddle
Godmother:Narcissa Malfoy, Lily Evan, Bellatrix Lestrange

I am so shocked...well...nothing else can go wrong...right??? I was snapped out of my thoughts by Griphook asking me to repeat the process for my inheritance and money withdrawal just incase. How fun... Note the sarcasm.

Creature Inheritance

Fire Dragon
Demon Kitsune
Mate:Draco Malfoy (dominant veela)

Magical Inheritance

Wandless Magic=80%blocked
Wordless Magic=90%blocked
Mind Reading=100%blocked
Shadow Apparation=100%blocked
Dark Magic=80%blocked
Light Magic=50%blocked
Elemental Magic=100%blocked

All blocked by Albus Dumbledore

Potion and magic disruption

Trust potion directed to Albus Dumbledore, Hermione Granger, Molly Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Ron Weasley placed by Albus Dumbledore

Manipulation Magic hate Severus Snape, the Malfoys, death eaters, Slytherins, Tom Riddle, Fred and George Weasley (broken), Percy Weasley (broken), believe that Tom Riddle is the dark lord,trust Hermione Grange and the Weasleys, slack off on homework and an urge for adventure and protecting others placed by Albus Dumbledore

Love Potion directed towards Ginny Weasley placed by Albus Dumbledore and Ginny Weasley

Heir to:


Lord to:


Access to:

Slytherin's vault
Gryffindor's vault
Ravenclaw's vault
Hufflepuff's vault
Hogwarts vault
Snape's vault
Potter's vault
Peverell's vault

Money Withdrawn

100,000 galleons to Dumbledore's vault from Gryffindor's vault withdrawn by Albus Dumbledore

10,000 galleons to The Weasley's vault withdrawn by Albus Dumbledore and Molly Weasley

10,00 galleons to Granger's vault withdrawn by Albus Dumbledore and Hermione Granger

Hadrian's P.O.V (A/N:He will be Hadrian from now on)

When i was done reading this i felt rage consume my body. I can't believe they did that...the people i care for the most doesn't give a flying f*** about me. They only care about money and fame. Well guess what mudblood, the blood traitors and a mudblood lover you've got another thing coming your way. Because I'm done being manipulated by everyone were doing things my way watch out Dumble-ass-adore the game is on.

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