Chapter Twenty Six

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A/n : I'm so sorry that i haven't been uploading frequently as much some of you want... It's just that I'm losing motivation for this book but that doesn't mean I'm going to discontinued this story because I am so close to finishing it. Only one more chapter to go.... I hope.
Third Person's P.O.V

Dumbledore was in his office pacing back and forth because he was scared for two reasons. One, Viktor Krum "died" on Hogwarts School Ground and second, Tom Riddle was back and he knew for a fact that he couldn't defeat him like last time without Harry's help. But where was he??? He couldn't have disappeared just like that without a trace. Little did he know, while he was thinking Tom managed to make his way into his office without getting noticed. Followed by James, Severus, and Regulus  just incase he needed some help. The four of them scattered around the room. Severus was at the back of the room, James was on the left side of the room while Regulus was on the right side of the room. The three of them put a spell on the paintings to make them fall asleep, so that they won't warn anyone in the castle. Tom made his way to the front of the room and silently locked the door before making his way towards Dumbledore who still hadn't noticed them enter the room.

Tom's P.O.V

How hasn't he noticed us yet?!?! Isn't he supposed to be powerful like he claims to be. Tsk... He's probably getting weak from old age. While i was walking towards him, i got my wand out, ready to use the binding curse and silencing curse on him to make sure we didn't alarm anyone. When his back was turned towards me, i fired the spell causing him to fall.

"Well....well....well.... Look who we have here useless, defenseless Dumbledore... Say.... Aren't you supposed to be powerful and all knowing??? Tell me.... Why didn't you realise me enter??? Or should I say... Us???"

Third Person's P.O.V

The other three came out of their hiding spots and stood next to Tom. They were looking at Dumbledore with crossed arms and they were glaring at him. Dumbledore looked horrified at this point but when his eyes landed on a hodded figure he started questioning in his head 'whose this'. As if the hodded figure was reading his mind, he took his hood and mask off revealing none other than James Potter. The person he thought he killed. His eyes went as wide as saucers and he looked at him horrified while James just looked at him with a smug look on his face because he could practically feel the fear radiating off of him. He walked towards him and crouched down to Dumbledore's level and pointed his wand at his face.

"You thought i was dead didn't you??? Well...a piece of advice... If you want to kill someone...make sure you killed the right person" he said in a low tone, making Dumbledore think 'who did i kill???'

After that all that Dumbledore saw was black.

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