Chapter Twenty Four (ᵉᵈⁱᵗᵉᵈ)

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A/N: Alright here's the problem Fred and Neville got the same amount of votes it's either that or i counted it wrong (which could be case) but i think i'm going to have to go with Neville so I'm sorry if you voted for someone else!!!

Third Person's P.O.V

Cedric walked towards Neville and threw his arm over his shoulder while giving his forehead a kiss. Neville was blushing lightly but the others could tell just by looking at him.

"*cough*Okay then... That happened *cough*. What should we do with Krum over here" Draco said while pointing at a dumbfounded Krum.

Everyone was deep in thought thinking of the next thing to do. It seemed like an eternity of thinking for ideas but in reality it took at least five minutes.

"I got it!!!" Hadrian suddenly shouted while snapping his fingers startling everyone out of their thoughts and almost making Neville fall face first onto the ground. Keyword: almost fall over but he was caught by Cedric and he pulled Neville into his chest while stroking his hair. Neville was blushing a bright red and hid his face in the crook of Cedric's chest. Draco slightly snickered at this probably getting ready to tease the poor boy once this is over.

"What is it love???" Draco asked after he stopped snickering to pay attention to his boyfriends plan.

Hadrian smirked and whispered the plan into Draco's ear. After Hadrian finished whispering the plan to Draco, a mischievous smirk appeared on Draco's face.

"Sure, let's do that" Draco said while taking a purple coloured potion with pink swirls out of Hadrian's hand.

Draco's P.O.V

I walked towards Krum with the potion in hand. This potion is like a powerful sleeping potion that i made myself but the potion only lasts for about a day or so which is quite disappointing but oh well. But the potion i gave Hadri was a different one that only lasts for about twelve hours. If someone checks a person's heartbeat, the potion will make it seem like they died while in reality it was still beating like normal only it was concealed. But if thet were to check their again when the potions wears off, the person's heartbeat will unconceal itself. I crouched down infront of Krum and opened the potion cap.

"Drink it" i said while putting the potion near his mouth.

He refused and started moving his head from side to side. I sighed in annoyance and ended up holding his face in place and made him drink the potion. His body went from tensed to relax in a matter of seconds. Which is a sign that the potion has taken affect and he's asleep right now. I got up from my crouching position and made my way back to the others. Half of them were looking at me with curiosity while the others were looking at me with a 'WTF did you just do' face. I just ignored their faces and hugged Hadrian from behind and placed my head on his shoulder.

"That was a brilliant idea Hadri"

"Thanks Dray"

Third Person's P.O.V

"What the bloody hell did you just do!?!?!" Fred asked the question everyone was thinking about.

Draco was about to awnser when all of a sudden...


We all looked at where the noise came from some pulling out their wands and pointing at the intruder. It was...

just Percy. He looked like he ran a million miles per hour because of how hard he was panting and the sweat rolling down his face and behind him was none other than Oliver Wood. He was in the same condition as Percy but he was only panting slightly. After they caught their breath Percy started speaking.

"Sorry for the sudden grand entrance but SOMEONE decided it was a good time to talk about wanting to get the dark mark. So we had to run from Aurors" he said while glaring at Oliver who was rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sorry about that love but i was excited that you agreed that i could ask Tom if i could join you guys that i didn't realise that Kingsley was walking by" he said while pulling a pouting Percy into his warm embrace.

"LOVE????" everyone shouted in suprise.

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