Chapter Sixteen

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Hadrian's P.O.V

Today is the day. Today Dumbleb*tch is announcing the champions of the Triwizard Tournament. Over the last few days i don't even have to ask to know that Dumble-ass-adore doesn't like me. Wait...scratch that off he DESPISE me. How do i know this??? Because during breakfast, lunch or dinner i could feel him practically glaring at me but when i look up he looks back at his food and pretends that I'm dumb or something which is far from the truth. Oh!!! I forgot to tell you that Barty Crouch Jr. made a dramatic entrance when he was introduced to the whole school and they look like they were peeing there pants which was hilarious causing me and the Slytherins to snicker a bit. But what was not funny is that he scared Neville which pissed me to no end. This is what happened.


We we're in the Defence Against The Dark Arts which is beind teached by Mad-eye Moody or should i say Barty Crouch Jr. He was asking us about the unforgivable curses which i already knew but didn't bother answering any questions that he was asking and i just zoned him out and let my train of thoughts over come my mind. I snapped out of my thoughts when Neville told him one of the curses.
"The curtiatus curse"
"Ahh~yes the curtiatus curse also known as the torture curse. Back when you-know-who was in power many people have lost their sanity because of hours of being tortured. For example Longbottom come here"
I looked at Neville who was sitting at the second row to the front. He looked hesitant at first but got up either way and stood next to his table facing him. Barty took out and muttered the curse. The spider started twitching uncontrollably. If the spider had a voice i bet you it would be screaming by now. I looked at Neville and sae fim flinching real bad so i decided to stop it.
Barty stopped and looked at me.
"If your gonna turn a blind eye to a student who is flinching right next to you. I suggest you don't do that or else your gonna awnser to my parents and my uncle" i shouted at him and saw him visibly gulped to the mentioned of Uncle Tom's name.
He nodded and told Neville he can go back to his seat. Neville looked relieved and gave me a snile before rushing back to his seat. I smiled at him and glared at Barty with daggers as he carried on the lesson but if you looked closely enough he looked like he was about to pee his pants. Hmph...serves him right.

-End Of Flashback-

Dumble-ass-adore slowly lit out the fire while the students ecxept Slytherins looked awestruck. I mentally scoffed. Like seriously he's just a sad excuse for a wizard. The only source of light was from the goblet. We waited for a bit until finally the first name shot out of the goblet and slowly fell towards Dumbles. He grabbed the name and read out before saying it to everyone.

"Beaxbautons champion is... Fleur Delacour"

The room erupted with applause while the girl got up and disappeared behind a door behind the teachers table. Another name shot out for the goblet.

"Durmstrangs champion is... Viktor Krum.

The room erupted wuth applause but this time louder than Fleur had. He got up and disappeared behind the door. Now it was time to know who the Hogwarts champion is and then...for the suprise champion. I smirked and turned to look at Dray who was smirking as well. *sigh* I love it when Dray comes up with an evil plan it's so gorgeous and sexy. I heard the goblet erupt again and payed my full attention to the name.

"Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory"

Once again the room applauded and Diggory disappeared behind the door. Dumbleb*tch was about to say something but cut short when the goblet erupted again and another piece of paper flew out.

"Hadrian Snape" he mumbled causing everyone to go shocked

"HADRIAN SNAPE" i got up from my chair and made my way towards the other champions.

I smirked everything is going according to plan.

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