Chapter Seventeen

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Hadrian's P.O.V

After the briefing about the Triwizard Tournament we were allowed to go back to our respective common rooms. I left the room very pissed because Dumbledork trying to accuse me of putting my name in the Goblet of Fire which was not the case and he had the audacity to touch me (A/N : Not like that you freaking perverts)
Now the game is really on. Oh...just you wait you old geezer. Once Drake here's about this he will and i mean will raise hell on you for touching his mate.

-Timeskip to the weighing of the wands-

Me and Draco are currently in potions classroom with the Gryffindorks and let me tell you that it is hilarious because the weasel said something bad about mine and Draco's relationship because he couldn't answer the questions that papa asked him and i could which was a dumb thing to do because papa heard it and deducted 50 points from Gryffindors for insulting others which leaves their points to - 10. So what's happening right now is that the Gryffindorks are all glaring at the weasel while the Slytherins all bursted out laughing because he looked like he was about to pee his pants because if looks could kill he would be dead by now. Papa is snickering in the background trying to hold in his laughter. Oh! And i forgot to mention that i did tell Dray and let me tell you he was pissed. He was actually going into his veela form and beat Dumbledork to a bloody pulp but i of course stopped saying that we can torture him slowly and painfully when the time comes he calmed down a little bit but i could tell he was still pissed so i did the only logical thing i would do. I kissed him and not 10 seconds later we were snogging on the bed. *sigh* good times.

After the Slytherins calmed down papa was about to continue the lesson when we heard the door opened. We turned around to see Collin Creevey walk into the classroom and walked over to papa timidly.

"Umm...Professor??? Hadrian is needed at the weighing of the wands ceremony"
Papa sighed.
"Very well then Hadrian. You may go but you will leave your stuff here until you return"
"Actually Professor Dumbledore said that after the weighing of the wands ceremony he will have the rest of the off"

I groaned UGH!!! Now i don't get to see papa lecture weasel *cough* bullying *cough*. Plus i have to leave Dray.
Papa sighed, nodded and gestured me to keep my stuff in my backpack which i begrudgingly did. I gave Dray a peck on the lips and followed Collin out to get to the weighing of the wands. Don't need to see it to know that something interesting is going to happen *insert evil smirk*. This is gonna be exciting.

Once we reached the classroom i walked in and saw Diggory and Delacour talking to one another but Delacour is trying to flirt with him which she is failing at miserably. Krum was standing in the corner of the room brooding as usual. I saw a table where Madam Maxime is sitting along with Dumble-ass-adore and the headmaster of Durmstrang which name i forgot but it is not in any importance. We just had to wait for one more person then the weighing to begin (no doubt that it was Mr.Ollivander) but i felt a sudden pull and the the next thing i knew that i was in a broom closet with Rita Skeeter a woman that can create a ton of bullsh*t along the way to get more readers to read the Daily Prophet. I glared at the woman infront of me. If looks could kill she would have been dead. It's not like i can't just kill her with my magic but i didn't want Dumbles to have evidence that i could spend my entire life in Azkaban. Not like i can break out or anything but whatever.

"What do you want" i snapped at her. She looked taken a back. No doubt that she thought someone like me would be nice to an old lying sh*tty lady *snorts* in her dreams. It took her a moment to snap back into reality. But when she did snap back into reality she askdd the most dumbest question i have ever heard coming out of someone's mouth. Heck! Even Weasley asked smarter questions then you do.
"How did you enter your name in the Goblet of Fire???"
And to think that a middle aged woman would have thought of a smarter question after being in wizarding school for 7 years.
I started laughing uncontrollably until i fell off the box i was sitting on. When i finally stopped laughing i awnsered her in a snarky way.
"Did you really think that i, a student, know how to enter my name in the Goblet of Fire when you clearly know that there was an agr line. Your funny"

And with that i left the closet leaving a dumbfounded Skeeter in there. Probably thinking what job she should gets fired. I went back to find that i was indeed correct that Mr Ollivander. He was examining Diggory's wand. He was saying something about his wand but i just tuned him out and took a seat next to Delacour because there's no way i would sit next to Krum. (A/N : I have a problem because i don't like typing people by there first name. It's a problem help me😭) Just by looking at him i could tell he was slightly disappointed that i didn't sit down next to him but i could care less at what he wanted. That freaking pervert. Ollivander gave Diggory's wand back to him.

"Mr Snape"
I got up and handed him my wand.
"Ahh~You have a very powerful wand young man. Made of cheery oak wood. Magical core basilisk's fang and male unicorn hair. A very VERY powerful wand indeed"

He shot out light string out of my hand. It formed into a phoenix and disappeared. He gave my wand back, turned to Dumbledore aka a sad excuse of a wizard, sad goodbye and walked out of the room.

"I think we should capture this moment!!! Everyone gather close"
I groaned because i just want to get out of here away from a power freak, an old lying geezer and a pervert with a problem.

We squeezed in with me on the left away from Krum obviously. But this woman. Oh...this woman hates me and asked me to sit at the very front because I'm the youngest. I'm adding torture and murder her painfully slow on my bucket lists. After she got the photo i basically bolted out of there because i ain't going to put out with those pshycos anymore and made my way to the Great Hall for dinner.

Once i got there i made my way towards the Slytherins table. I saw Dray reading a book and me being...well me, decided to suprise attack him. I made my way to him unnoticed by everyone and hugged him from behind. He accidentally dropped his book on his food that he was eating and got stains on his book. He turned around glaring only to see me with a cheeky grin on my face. He sighed and i laughed a little.

"I hate you"
"Love you to Dragon" i replied with a smile and kissed him. I sat down next to him and just snuggled i to his side because i was not hungry. He gave me a soft smile, picked up his book and cleaned it with a cleaning spell before laying his head on mine.

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