Chapter Twenty Three

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Viktor's P.O.V

I was extremely terrified at this point because i was binded and wandless which is the definition of useless and vulnerable at the same time. Two red hairs that binded me we're just talking as if this was a casual place to talk. That's it I'm going to get some awnsers.

Charlie's P.O.V

Me and Bill was just talking because the others are gonna be here in a few minutes. We we're talking about what we're gonna do with this boy if he does escape because we don't need rumours spreading about how the "evil dark lord" has returned but really we're just trying to help him out because he including the rest of the school is under a mind manipulation spell except Granger, my family, Professor Mcgonagall and basically the whole Gryffindor house isn't which was a dumb move on his part. Oh! And if you're wondering when Draco and the others are going to get here because it isn't supposed to be that long if your using a door to get here. There already here, there just hiding in the shadows with Hadrian's help. (A/N : BOI!!! YOU JUST BROKE THE FOURTH WALL. Charlie : I'm sorry *insert anime crying* one vote equals to one prayer for Charlie)
After waiting for an eternity they finally arrived.

"About bloody time!!! We've been waiting here forever!!!" Bill said dramatically.
"And we're sorry for the wait but SOMEONE was asleep and REFUSED to get out. So we basically had to threatened them so he could get out of bed" James said slightly annoyed.
We all looked at Regulus but he just raised his hands in defeat.
"I was tired okay!!! Tom over here wanted my attention and wouldn't leave me alone until he got it!!!" Regulus said while glaring at Tom who was looking anywhere but him. I just sighed "Can we just get back to the task at hand and figure out what were supposed to do with Krum over here"
As if on queue Hadrian and the others came out of hiding.

Hadrian's P.O.V

Me and the others were hiding for the most part just watching them arguing over something irrelevant. After a while I figured that it was time to get out of hiding and teleported us in front of my parents and the others. I practically hugged my dad to death because even if i saw him during all my tasks i couldn't talk to him or hug him.

"Hey dad"
"Hey Hadri how's my boy doing"
"I'm doing great"

I pulled away from the hug and walked over to where Krum was binded.

"What are we going to do with him Uncle Tom??? He's going to get the wrong idea and thinks we're going to kill jim or something like that???"
"Wait a second..." Luna suddenly said. We all looked at her and waited for her to continue.
"Aren't we missing someone???"
We didn't understand what she was talking about but I'm pretty sure that every one is here except for Percy because he's distracting the minister of magic. I was about to tell her that when all of a sudden we heard a loud 'pop' sound. We all looked and saw...

Cedric Diggory... He had a smirk on his face, a hand on his hip and his wand in his right hand.
"I'm sorry I'm late guys"
He looked at ________ and smiled he walked towards him and pecked his cheek.
"Hey babe" he said while smiling with his hand wrapped around the others waist

A/N: Major turn of events. I want everyone to vote who Cedric should date. Voting has ended.




Percy (i forgot he was in the story)


A mystery character that only i will know but you won't find out until the next chapter.

And guess who got!!!!


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1. My best friend calls me PB for some reason and my friend calls me RM jr.
2. My eye colour is brown i think i'm honestly not sure.
3. Dark brown.
4. English isn't my first language it's malay
5. Black and blue/red
6. Seoul Korea and Canada
7. Tom Felton
8. Cats and foxes
9. Looking at me
10. Harry Potter and the Chambers of secrets

I'm sorry but i don't know how to tag someone so please tell me how to do it. Love you Dark Stars!!!

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