Chapter Twelve

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A/N: This is me if i was going to Hogwarts and if your wondering. Yes I'm a Slytherin, i proud Slytherin at that. Ok enough of my ranting on with the chapter.
Hadrian's P.O.V

I finished packing my trunk and shrunk it along with Hedwig's cage and put them in my pocket because i told Hedwig to fly to Hogwarts beforehand and also put glamour on her so that no one can get suspicious. I was wearing the standard Hogwarts uniform but the only difference is that my robes were blank with the Hogwarts simbol on it. I rushed down stairs to see the Malfoys and my dad. Papa already left to Hogwarts because he is a teacher but not before telling me to take the carriage not the boats even though I'm not sorted into a house yet and when i enter the Great Hall i needed to stand next to him while waiting for the first years to get sorted. My dad was wearing  his hood and a mask as usual. I remember asking him why he was wearing that instead of just ealking into hogwarts and say i survived your wrath because i thought Dumbleb*tch already knew that he was still alive. But apparently he doesn't even know anything about dad being alive. Heck!!! He doesn't even know that papa is married to him. At least that was what my dad said. *snorts* some powerful wizard Dumb-bell is, don't you agree??? Dad also said that it's the perfect revenge when he reveals himself to everyone when we attack so he can say 'Hah you thought you killed me well think again you motherf*cker. You ain't powerful as you say you are. The only thing powerful here is your big ass ego'. And when he said that papa happend to walk by and immediately went into 'mother mode' as i like to call. Dad got smacked in the head by him with a spatula (don't know where he got there from considering when he was walking he didn't have one and he wasn't holding his wand at the time) and started to hex and jinx him while dad ran all around the house screaming like a little girl. I laughed so hard i thought i might die.

"Bloody finally. I thought we needed to wait another week for you to come down"
I rolled my eyes and pecked his cheek.
"Well I'm here now aren't i now let's go so i can find a compartment for just the two of us"

He chuckled and grabbed Uncle Luc's hand and i grabbed onto my dads hand and we apparated to the train station.

We apparated in a dark alley way so that no one could see us. We made our way towards the train station and walked through a wall between platforms nine and ten to get to platform nine and three quarters. We we're standing infront of a train while my dad was giving us lecture before we got on the train.

"Now don't get into trouble and if you do get into trouble make sure you raise hell and make it memorable. Oh!!! And give me details as well"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at my dad's childness behaviour and gave him a big hug. He let go of me and hugged Draco who gladly returned it. Aunt Cissa gave us a hug and a kiss at the cheek. Uncle Luc just gave us a nod because he still needed to keep up his emotionless mask. We waved them goodbye and went to find ourselves an empty compartment.

Once we found an empty compartment, we locked the door and closed the curtains. We sat down next to each other. Draco was intertwining my hand while i just cuddled up next to him and enjoyed his company. I got bored after a half an hour and there was still another half an hour until we get there so i decided to do something about my boredom. Draco was reading a book but i took it, marked what page it was reading and threw it on the chair next to me. He looked at me with a confused face until i started straddling him and kissed him. He kissed me back almost immediately and we started snogging. We didn't realise that we already arrived when there was a knock on the door and someone (didn't know who) telling us it we already arrived and we need to get off. I got off of him, took his hand and pulled him up. I held his hand and got off the train and went to find a carriage. We found an empty carriage, got and waited for two more person to get on. To our luck Granger and Weasley didn't join us instead it was Neville and Luna.

"Hey Harry"
I looked at her shocked and remembered she was a seer that made me relax a bit.
"Hey Harry" Neville said smiling at me.
"Hey guys"
"So your going to get re-sorted huh Harry?"
"It's Hadrian and yes I'm getting re-sorted"
"We know what happend and we we're wondering if we could join Tom" Luna said with her dreamy voice.
"Of course you can I'll owl Uncle Tom about it"

I smiled at them and we talked about anything and everything until we reached the castle. When we reached the castle i smiled and evil smile.

'Watch out Dumblef*ck your one step away from meeting your end *insert Hadrian's evil laugh'

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