Chapter Four

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A/N: I just wanted to let everyone know that Professor Snape never bullied him during his first three years at Hogwarts. Ok👍 ON WITH THE STORY!!!

James's P.O.V

I chuckled slightly by my husbands actions he's just the most adorable person i have ever met and i wouldn't change that for the world. After a few seconds of me in my little fantasy world i just remembered I'm supposed to go after him before he bursts down the door to Gringotts. I remembered the first time he did that when it was our first day of our honeymoon after our wedding. He was so excited he accidentally  burst through the door and broke it...but still we laughed for half an hour. I apparated to Gringotts but not before putting on a hoddie and mask because Dumbledore doesn't know I'm alive and I'm gonna keep it luke that for reasons I'll explain later. I apparated to Gringotts and thank merlin he hasn't broken down the door but he's about to. I grabbed his shoulders just in time and hugged him from behind.

"Calm down love...i know your excited to see our son but let's not break down another door...'kay"i whispered in his ear he blushed slightly only noticable for me and nodded his head.

I smiled at him and pulled away from the hug. He closed his eyes and went back to if-you-mess-with-me-you-will-die mode. I laughed a bit and he glared at me and i mockingly put my hands up in surrender and he just shook his head. He opened the door and we were greeted by Ragnarok (A/N:I'm sorry if i spelled that wrong)

"Mr.Potter you finally came let's go meet your long lost son shall we" he saud loud enough for me and Sev to hear. He and Griphook were the only ones that knows I'm alive and i want to keep it that way...for now...*insert evil grin that's unnoticeable under his mask*

We nodded and he escorted us to where our son is.

Hadrian's P.O.V

Ok...remember when i said that other than a slight headache i didn't feel any pain. Well...i take it back i felt like someone was pouring lava all over my body. The headache started to get worse until i fell onto my knees clutching my head. I heard the door burst open and two frantic voices entering the room but i payed no attention to that. I don't remember anything after that everything just went black.

Severus's P.O.V

We entered the room that Ragnarok said our son was being held and by the sounds of it his getting his blocks removed by Griphook. I was so worried that i didn't think twice about busting the door open. We saw Hadrian on his knees clutching his head. So being the worried and overprotective parents we were started panicking about our sons wellbeing. While we were panicking he passed out which made us more worried. Griphook summoned a bed and placed Hadrian on the bed and started healing any wounds he might have. The wounds and injuries that he found will be listed on a parchment paper and i was getting qnxious because it lokked really really long. Once the parchment paper stopped growing Griphook picked it up and scanned it. When he was done scanning it he looked like he was going to murder someone.

"What's the matter Griphook?" James asked

He didn't say anything but gave us the parchment paper so, we looked at it and what we saw infuriated us.

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