Chapter Six

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A/N : Draco is not a bully in my story. The pair have talked once in a while but other than that they never talked much although they have a crush on each other
Hadrian's P.O.V

I felt like i was being sucked into a tiny tube. I was also feeling a little light headed so i closed my eyes to prevent me from vomiting everywhere. Once i felt like we already reached the manor i opened my eyes to see a large manor. My jaw dropped to the ground.

"Welcome home Hadrian" Dad said.
I smiled
"It feels good to be back"
"Let's go in shall we" Papa said
"Yes please i feel like I'm suffocating under this mask"
I laughed and nodded my head and we stepped in the manor.

Once we entered my dad took of his hood and mask. My jaw dropped once again. This manor has so many rooms that it looks lile a maze that goes on forever. How am i suppose to get around without getting lost. My papa must have read my mind because he said:
"Don't worry. If you get lost you can just call a house elf and he'll lead the way where you want to go"
"Thanks papa" i smiled
"Alright then I'll show you were your. You also need to change your clothes because there will be guests coming to the manor ok?"
I nodded my head and dad leaded the way to my room while papa heade towards who knows where.

We arrived infront of a door with the words 'Hadrian Snape Potter's Room' engraved on a plaque. I looke at my dad and he gestured for me to open the door so, i did (A/N:Yeah no sh*t sherlock. Thank you for stating the obvious). I opened the door and the room was HUGE!!! The room colour scheme was green and silver. The room had a king sized bed with green blankets, a walk through closet, a big window with a view of the garden a study table and...
"HEDWIG!!!" i rushed towards her. She hooted happily. I scratched her head. My dad smiled.
"Don't forget to change your clothes the guests will be ariving in a little bit at the ballroom downstairs to your left. Understood? "
"Yes dad"

And with that he left the room. I enlarged my trunk and place it at the corner of the room. I did the same thing to Hedwig's cage and placed it on the study table. I walked towards the walk through closet and entered it. The closet was filled with alot of clothes and when i say alot, i mean alot. There were a ton of shoes. I picked a pair of ripped jeans,a red and black checkered shirt and a pair of green snickers.

I looked at myself in a mirror and heard a knock on my door. My papa walked in the room.
"Hadrian all the guests have arrived so you need to make your way downstairs and wait outside the door until your father says so. Okay?"
I nodded still looking at myself in the mirror.

A Few Hours Ago

Draco's P.O.V

I was in my room reading a book that my mother got for my birthday. When all of a sudden.

I got up from my bed and made my way to the living room.
"What is mother?"
"Were going to Potter Manor in an hour or so, so get ready"

I was confused why are we going to Potter Manor but nodded nonetheless and went up to go get ready. (A/N : Draco doesn't know Severus is married to James Potter and he's also wearing the black suit he has on the front cover)

(Me:What's with all this yelling. Have you people gone deaf or something??? Draco: Shut up or I'll hex you. Me:*puts hands up in surrender*)

I rushed downstairs towards the front door where my parents were standing waiting for me impatiently. I grabbed my father's arm and we apparated towards Potter Manor.

Present Time

Hadrian's P.O.V

I made my way downstairs towards the ballroom. When i got to the front of the door which was closed.
"Hadrian come on in" i heard my father say from inside the room that was happily chatting away at first but became faint whispers. I took in a breather and opened the doors. I was met by alot of eyes staring at me but i put on an unfazed look just like my mother. My father and papa walked towards me and side hugged me.
The room erupted into roars and cheers from the guests and i smiled at everyone. I'm loving the way my life's turning out.

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