Chapter Three

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Hadrian's P.O.V

"I have a question for you Griphook. If i want all the money that was stolen from me back to me and only me and whoever i allow can access my vaults what will you do?" i asked Griphook smirking at him.

He got the message and nodded his head and a evil smirk playing on his face. If you don't understand what i said its basically me saying i want my money back and i don't care if whoever stole my money go completely bankrupt because i honestly don't care. They betrayed me and now they have to pay the price...literally.

"I also want to send a letter to my beloved mother telling him to meet me at Gringotts. Can you do that?"

"Of course Mr.Potter"he gave me a quill and ink and started writing to my mother telling him to come to Gringotts to meet his long lost son. He finished writing the letter and called for an owl to give it to my mother.

" Well that has been taken care off, would you like to remove the blocks now or would you like to wait until your mother comes here?"

"Now if you don't mind"

He nodded his head, got up from his seat and ushered me to follow him and started walking towards another door. He opened the door and held it open for me. The room was empty and had a large circle at the middle.

"This may hurt a bit because most of the clock are almost at 100 percent but you have the most powerful and a rare creature inheritance you might not feel the pain at all"

I nodded my head and Griphook started chanting some words that i don't understand. Minus the slight headache i didn't feel like i was suffering because of what Dumblef*ck did to me so...hah in your face bitchy mudblood lover.

Meanwhile with Severus

I was reading a potions book in my room when I heard tapping on my bedroom window. I looked at the window and saw a Gringotts owl with a letter in his hand. I walked towards the window and opened it letting the owl fly in and land on my coffee table. I took the letter from the owl and scratched its head. The owl hooted with satisfaction and flew back out the window. I opened the letter and read it my heart stopped my son was alive and not only that but my son was Harry Potter why am i stupid not even realising that my son was right infront of me the whole time. Then it hit was Dumbledores doing. Just as i was about to curse out the stupid old man other wise known as Dumble-ass-a-dore my husband walked in as James Potter

"Sev??? What's wrong?" he asked in a worried tone.

I say nothing but handed him the letter. He started reading the letter and slowly his face turned it to rage.

"HOW CAN THIS STUPID OLD GEEZER DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!!! FIRST LILY AND NOW OUR OWN F***ING SON. I SWEAR WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON HIM I'M GONNA..." i cut him off by kissing him and not even a second letter he kissed back. After a few minutes we pulled away.

"Calm down love. Besides i have a plan~but first we need to go to Gringotts ONWARDS!" i shouted and apparated to Gringotts. I might be cold and heartless when I'm teaching but trust me when i say this...I'm a kid at heart AND ALWAYS WILL BE!!!

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