Chapter 2

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I shot up in panic as memories from my capture came back to life. I looked around but no one was there. I was in a rather nice bed, wrapped in silk sheets. I sat up and frowned as I realised I only had boxers on. My bite wounds had been treated, however my body was still aching.

I got up, albeit tiredly, and started looking around. I searched for some clothes first, and found a nice clean shirt to slip into. Although it looked like a robe on my small and slim figure. Either I was in a spare room, or the person who lived in it wasn't sentimental. Perhaps it belonged to the man who carried me. He was a lion after all - and I have no idea why he would want to live in a pack of wolves. I can't remember what he looked like exactly though.

I jumped when the door swung open. I tensed when Esme, Mack's friend - whom I assumed is the one who rescued me - strolled towards me.

"How are you feeling? You've been asleep for a whole day." He asked.

I tilted my head in confusion. All the others wanted me dead. Why not him?

"I'm hungry." I answered, huffing when my stomach agreed.

He nodded and left straight after. I sighed, and sat down on the bed. I covered myself back and lied down, closing my eyes.

Where's Mack?

When I woke up, the man was staring at me, and only flinched once I sat up. I smiled slightly when he handed me a plate filled with sandwhiches. I ate all of them as fast as I could - I was hungry and even though I knew I would throw it up afterwards, I couldn't help it. So it was no surprise when I threw up on the silk sheets - at least not to me anyway. The man on the other hand was just staring at me, not knowing what to do as I heaved and vomited the contents of my stomach. I wiped my mouth with the sleeve of the shirt I was wearing, groaning.

"Sorry." I muttered, getting off the bed. He left so I decided to pull the sheets off. I gently laid them on the floor and looked in the cupboard for another shirt. I took the dirty one off and slipped into the new one. I looked around and sighed in relief when I found a bathroom. I looked for an unused toothbrush and grinned when I found one. I brushed my teeth quickly and headed back out. I looked around for a new pair of sheets and smiled when I found some.

I froze when Esme entered the room with a Mack at his tail.

"You changed the sheets?" The man spoke.

I shrugged. "No biggie." I muttered, pulling the shirt down a bit. His eyes trailed down my body and he looked away when Mack spoke.

"What were you thinking? I told you not to step out of pack territory, August!" He exclaimed, angrily.

I looked down, nodding. "I know, but I was playing with some kids-"

"I don't care!"

I gulped, my hands gripping the hem of the shirt I was wearing.

"I was being chased down by a rogue so I just ran." I explained.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Esme spoke which made Mack glare at him.

"I know how to get them off my back, I'm ok." I whispered.

"I get why your parents abandoned you." Mack growled out, leaving.

I gulped, looking down. My parents had given me away to this pack because they couldn't take care of me anymore. I was a mere human, with so many defects. I was weak and a prey to many predators. I had, multiple times, told them I could take care of myself - I was 20 years old after all - but they didn't seem to trust me.

"You're one of us." I told Esme after a while. He frowned at me.

"A lion." I cleared.

He stared at me in surprise. "How did you know?"

I smiled sadly. "My family are tigers and I'm supposed to be one too. So I know."

He frowned. "Are you not human?"

I shrugged. "I'd like to think I'm a lion, but I was born prematurely, therefore only having my human genes. Everyone else considers me as human though."

"What is your age?" He asked me.

"I am 20 years old." I replied, proudly. "What about you?"

"You might have a heart attack if I tell you." He joked.

I smiled. "Why? Tell me."

"I'm 38 years of age." He said, walking up to me ripping the shirt off of my body. I blushed bright red like the little boy I am. He took the bandages off my wounds, gently pressing his fingers against them, making me wince at times. The stitches were looking good I guess, but it still looked like wolves scratched and bit into my skin.

"You heal well." He muttered, turning me round. I breathed heavily as his hands travelled my body, looking for my wounds. I was getting aroused and I had no idea why. I never get aroused by just being cared for by a stranger. Definitely not a stranger.

"Mack is your friend too?" I asked him.

"Yes." He answered sounding almost bored. "Take your clothes off." He demanded, staring at my boxers.

"W-what?" I stuttered, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Remove your clothing so you can wash." He cleared, walking to what I assumed was the bathroom. I followed, biting my lip.

"I will wait outside." He said, closing the door behind him.

I sighed, pulling my boxers down and stepping into the running shower. I tried to relax but the pain in my legs and back made it a difficult task to do. My mind wandered to my parents. It was hard being separated from them - they were all I had. They had to, yes, but it still hurt. I sank to the floor as tears rolled down my eyes. I tried to stay strong, but some days were harder than others. Today was especially hard because I had no one.

"Is everything ok?" I heard Esme call knocked on the door. I got up quickly, and turned the water off.

"I-I'm fine." I stammered as I dried myself and put on the briefs he gave me. I looked around for some clothes but couldn't find any. I opened the door and stuck my head out to see if someone was there. I blushed as Mack, Esme and a girl all turned to look at me.

"Hi." She greeted, smiling at me.

"Hi." I answered awkwardly.

"This is for you. We aren't sure where your luggage went." Esme said, handing me a shirt that I assume was his.

"What do you mean you don't know where it went? It was in the car." I muttered, grabbing the shirt and putting it on quickly before walking out of the bathroom.

"One of the omegas took care of it. Unfortunately, we don't know where they put it." Mack explained.

I pursed my lips, limping to the bed - my back and legs were still killing me.

"Get some sleep." Mack then said, as they left the room. I sighed, lying down on the bed and closing my eyes.

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