Chapter 9

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I sighed, watching him as he trained the others. Ever since our "fight", Esme removed me from training so now I just watch. Ok, maybe I've been in more pain nowadays, but training doesn't make it worst, does it? I have nothing better to do anyway.

"You look in a bad mood." Alicia frowned at me.

I shrugged. "I'm fine. I wish I could join again." I told her, truthfully, as she started on the exercise they were doing.

"Me too. He's so cranky since you've left." She gasped.

I laughed, shaking my head. "That's not why he's cranky."

She rose a brow. "So why is he always annoyed then?"

I bit my lip, looking around. Everyone seemed concentrated on what they were doing. "I asked him if we were mates." I blurted out quietly.

Her eyes widened. "Did he say yes?" She asked, hopefully.

"As much as I'd like to, no. He denied it. I mean, he's right. I just wanted us to be mates because I like him. But I get it now. It's just hard. He's always ignoring me. I'm not mad, I brought it up which in turn brought him bad memories. But I'm sad he thinks he needs to ignore me to make himself feel better. Plus my back pain has been getting worst lately." I ranted.

"Why don't you tell him about the back pain?"

"He's already stuck with me invading his home, I shouldn't bother him with my problems. Plus, I can deal with it for now." The last part was a lie, but no one needs to know. I actually cry myself to sleep every night because the pain is unbearable - even more so at night time.

"He doesn't mind you living with him, does he?" She asked, glancing at Esme who was helping another wolf.


"Shhh. He's listening." She whispered, grimacing.

"I'm gonna go walk for a bit. Maybe I'll head to that clearing I like." I told her.

She nodded, smiling at me. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here. Also, you can always sleepover. I know Mack would love it."

I chuckled. "K."

I let out a breath of air as I reached the clearing. I laid my body down on the grass, ripping out a couple of daisies as I looked at them.

"If only my life was this simple." I whispered to myself.

"It would be if you weren't so cute, or annoyingly adorable." I heard someone say.

I frowned and looked up. "Esme." I muttered, confused as to why he was here in the firsr place.

"This is my favourite place to be." He told me, running a hand through my hair. I closed my eyes, humming.

"I like it here." I whispered. It was silent for a while before he sighed and pulled away.

"You shouldn't come here alone." He finally said.

"You're not my father or my boyfriend." I retorted, looking away.

"I'm sorry for hurting you. I should have been more careful." He spoke softly, caressing my cheek. "I shouldn't have started anything with you." He continued.

I gulped, backing away from his touch. "So why did you?"

His eyes widened for a second before me grimaced. "You remind me of him. I'm sure he's grown up now, though."

I hummed, biting my lip. "Why don't you try and find him?"

He groaned, running a hand through his hair.

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