Chapter 19

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Home made burgers, how does that sound?" Benjamin asked with a grin. He had been cooking me tons of different foods these passed few days - said he wanted me to feel special. Obviously, I huffed and blushed.

"Sounds delicious." I heard the alpha say, walking into the alpha suite with the luna.

"I wasn't talking to you." Benjamin frowned. I giggled, wrapping my arms around Benjamin.

"Sounds delicious." I repeated after the alpha. Benjamin stared at me for a while before smiling. I smiled back, happily. Once the burgers were done, we all sat around the table.

"So when are you guys leaving?" The luna asked, glancing at the both of us. I froze, frowning before glancing at Benjamin. We hadn't talked about it, despite the alpha telling me to do so.

"We haven't talked about it, really." Benjamin smiled sadly, looking down.

"We can go whenever if you like. I don't mind." I mumbled. Benjamin rose a brow at me.

"I thought you did mind?"

"I minded the age difference between your daughter and I." I corrected.

Benjamin sighed. "Well what's changed?"

I was about to answer when I felt like throwing up. "I'm gonna throw up." I muttered, rushing to the bathroom. I arrived just in time and crouched down in front of the toilet as I emptied my stomach contents. Benjamin rubbed small circles on my back soothingly. We walked back out after brushing my teeth.

"Are you ok?" Benjamin asked.

I nodded. "I'm ok. A bit tired now." I smiled wryly.

He hummed, kissing my forehead. "Go sleep in my bed. I'll join you in a bit."

"Ok." I nodded, walking to his bedroom, taking my clothes off and slipping into one of his t-shirts before getting into the covers. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

"Benny." I mumbled tiredly as I felt the bed tip.

"I'm right here." He whispered as I felt his lips press onto mine. I let myself go back to sleep as I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

I yawned, looking around as I woke up. I felt even more tired than before. I sighed, getting up.

"Benjamin?" I called out.

I could have tried to listen and see where he is, but I have trouble concentrating on one person and end up having a huge headache. I put a pair of socks on and started looking around. I stopped in front of the study, and pressed my ear to the door, trying to listen in to whoever was in there. It should me him, the alpha is on a business trip with his wife.

"Benjamin?" I called out again, hesitantly as I opened the door. His head snapped towards me and I gulped. Maybe I interrupted something? There were voices coming out of the computer - who were currently trying to catch his attention back.

"Yes." He groaned, glaring at the screen. I pursed my lips and walked fully into the room.

"When will you be coming back?" A low voice asked him.

"As soon as I can. Hopefully in the week." Benjamin replied with a huff. I pursed my lips, waiting for him to bid his goodbyes to his friend.

"Work." He grumbled, closing his Laptop down. "Come here."

I walked towards him slowly. "So we're leaving next week?"

He sighed. "I'm leaving next week but you don't have to if you don't feel like it. I won't be disappointed." He reassured.

I shrugged. "It's fine. I'll get used to it, right?"

He smiled softly. "You will. They'll love you over there. And you'll love it too." He chuckled.

"Will Lily be living with us?" I asked.

"Yes. She's still underaged, and I don't especially want her to move out." He replied, pulling me onto his lap.

"Can I meet your parents before we leave?" I questioned.

"They're on a trip right now. They should be back in two weeks. I'll ask them to come and visit." He grinned.

I smiled, nodding. "And we'll come back here to visit, right?"

He chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "As many times as you want." His lips pressed against mine gently. I gasped when I felt his warm hands lift my shirt up a bit.

"What? You think I don't notice how sexy you are with my shirts on?" He snorted, ripping my boxers off. I blushed, my member hardening.

"I can't wait to mate with you, August." He growled out, lips pressing against the skin on my neck. I moaned, tightening my hold on his t-shirt. His right hand reached for my member before he started pumping it up and down.

"B-Ben-" I stammered, leaning into his shoulder.

"Baby." He whispered back, as he struggled to pull his bottoms down. I gasped when I felt a cold liquid touch my entrance. "Relax." He smiled, kissing my cheek. I hummed, closing my eyes. I tensed as a finger penetrated me slowly.

"That's it. You're doing great." He praised, caressing my member with his right hand as the other busied itself with my hole. I moaned, burrying my face in the crook of his neck. I started grinding my body up and down, trying to get more friction from his finger. His lips pressed against mine while adding another finger to my entrance.

"I'm close." I breathed out, squeezing my eyes shut. He hummed, adding a third finger before he started going quicker and harder. I was a moaning mess - it just felt too good. I felt his cum on my skin and I exhaled deeply, releasing allover him. I stayed wrapped in his arms, as I caught my breath.

"You're fabulous, August." He muttered, pecking my cheek. I blushed, smiling.

"How does breakfast sound?" He questioned.

"I just has my breakfast." I mumbled, letting my fangs scrape the skin on his neck. He groaned when they punctured his skin. I hadn't gone all the way threw - just enough to keep myself satisfied. His fingers found their way back into my entrance again as he started grinding against me. I moaned, licking the bite mark.

"August." He moaned, the tip of his member entering me. My eyes rolled back and I shot my load with a loud moan. He growled, cumming inside of me. He stood up holding me in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, smiling.

"Bath?" He suggested. I hummed in agreement. He walked us to the bathroom and let the water run for a bit. He put me down, kissing my forehead. I blushed, pulling my shirt off. He did the same, removing his top before we both sat in the bath. I laid between his legs as he sat behind me.

"You must be starving." He mumbled.

"A bit." I replied, wrapping my arms around his neck and lying down against me.

"I'll cook you something nice. How does toast, bacon, egg and sausage sound?"

"With beans?" I asked, smiling widely.

He snorted. "With beans if you like."

"Perfect." I answered. He grinned.

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