Chapter 32

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I woke up to the smell of pancakes. I sat up, yawning when I realised Benjamin wasn't in bed. I got up and frowned at the baby blue pantie that was laying on the side. I bet Benjamin put it there. I blushed, putting it on before I slipped into one of his shirts, buttoning it. I brushed my teeth before I grabbed my slippers and walked to the kitchen.

"Morning." He greeted, smiling at me as he grabbed a pan.

I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Morning." I mumbled.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, pecking my lips.

"Like a baby." I grinned. He laughed turning around to put the pancakes on to cook. I gasped when I realised he was naked under his apron. He smirked, winking at me. My cheeks tinted to a dark shade of red.

Once he finished cooking the pancakes, he took the apron off. I breathed out heavily as I noticed his member was already hard. Just looking at him made me warm allover. He pulled me into his arms and I moaned when I felt him skim the panties I had chosen to wear.

"I bought them this morning. Thought you might like a second pair." He whispered into my ear. I nodded, gripping his arms as his fingers inched closer to my member.

"Are you still in heat?" He asked, turning me round so that he was facing my back. I moaned when he lifted my shirt up, pulling the panties down to my knees. I couldn't answer.

I moaned when his teeth dug into my neck. I leaned onto the counter and bent over slightly.

"Bennie." I whined, pouting. He growled, pushing into my entrance. I gasped, gripping onto the side. His hands gripped onto my waist tightly as he hammered into me relentlessly.

"Come for me, baby." He whispered as he released inside of me. I moaned, cumming. I whined when his fingers wrapped around my member as he started moving inside of me again. He pulled away, spinning me round. His hand had wrapped around his own member while he stared at me. I licked my lips, breathing heavily.

"B-Benjamin." I breathed out, asking for permission. He nodded, running a hand through my hair. I sank to my knees and took his tip into my mouth. He groaned, tugging at my hair. I looked up at him, pulling away to swipe my tongue over his length. I smiled when he pushed his member into my mouth. He grunted, pushing forward a bit. I moaned, gripping his thighs. My eyes rolled back when he reached the back of my throat. The feeling of his member filling my mouth was really everything to me.

"Oh August." He moaned, as he held my head before he started thrusting his hips forward and back. I started moving with him, going quicker as he felt him near his orgasm. He groaned, thrusting his hips inside my mouth quickly. I moaned loudly, releasing another load from the intense pleasure. He growled, spurting his semen into my throat, all while continuing to thrust his hips until he had finished. I breathed heavily, head laying onto his thigh, at a close proximity to his length. I could smell him from where I was, and all I wanted to do was go at it again. I inched closer before having a few licks at his length before he tugged at my long hair. I looked up through hooded eyes.

"That's enough for now." He smiled, pulling me up. I pouted, putting the panties back on properly. He cleaned the mess quickly while I set the table.

"Pancake?" He asked, turning round to smile at me. My eyes wondered to his naked body and I nodded absentmindedly.

"August." He sang.

I looked up, blushing. "Pancake." I nodded. He smirked, placing them on the pan to reheat.

"What would you like to do today?" He asked.

"Don't you have work to do?" I asked back, tilting my head to the side.

"I do." He smiled.

"You can go work then. I don't mind." I answered.

He kissed my lips. "I'll try to make it as quick as possible. I'll be four hours max."

I sighed heavily, fanning myself. I was so hot, and I really wanted to see Ben. I left the house in the same clothes I had worn all morning - I really couldn't think straight. People simply stared, frowned or laughed but I couldn't pay attention to it. I stopped when I started to get dizzy.

"Benjamin." I whimpered, looking around. "Bennie."

"Are you ok?" I heard someone ask me, placing a hand on my arm. I backed away, staring at her wide eyed.

"Bennie." I whined, falling down when I tripped.

"August!" I heard Benjamin's voice call out. I hummed, trying to get up but failing.

"Hey. August." He whispered, eyes wide as he kneeled beside me. "Baby." He whispered. I moaned, reaching for him. He picked me up bridal style, pecking my lips.

"I knew I shouldn't have left you alone." He muttered, as he started walking.

"What's wrong with him?" Somebody asked.

"He's in heat, you idiot. Can't you see it?" Another replied.

"A lion in heat? That should be fun to watch." Another laughed. I burried my head in the crook of Benjamin's neck.

"I hope you all don't end up alone if anything happens to you. He doesn't deserve your remarks and nasty jokes. And if I ever hear you disrespect him again, there will be consequences. He is also to be leader of this pack." Benjamin defended me, before walking away. We made love to each other for the remainder of the day, until I fell asleep.

I whined when I felt Benjamin pull away from me.

"Morning, love." He whispered, pecking my cheek. I opened my eyes slightly, frowning at his sitting form.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"To make breakfast." He smiled.

I groaned, wrapping my arms around him. "No, don't go yet."

He chuckled, lying back down. "You're in heat. You need your strength." He cleared, pulling me closer to his body.

I hummed. "Later."

He sighed, pressing his lips on my forehead. "Fine." I smiled, snuggling in.

My heat lasted a whole week. Lily had not come home so Benjamin probably talked to her about it. Ben didn't leave my side and took care of me the entire week which I'm grateful for.

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