Chapter 18

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Small chapter ahead... Promise I'll make it up to you guys! x)

I smiled, snuggling into Benjamin's arms as he slept. It hit me just like that: I was not in pain. It was peaceful. It was the first time in my life - and I loved it. It was so relieving - it felt surreal. I was free.

"Morning." I heard Benjamin yawn as he sat up slightly.

I smiled up at him. "Morning." He kissed my forehead, getting out of bed.

"I should have woken up ages ago. I have work to do, and calls to make." He told me, patting my leg.

"It's fine. When can I leave?" I asked.

"Tonight, I guess. I'll check again with the pack doctor." He replied. I nodded, watching him as he left.

Five minutes later, my parents walked in, making me tense.

"August!" My mum squeaked, kissing me allover my face. I grimaced, chuckling.

"Hi mum." I whispered. My father simply smiled at me, ruffling my hair.

"I'm so proud of you baby. Not only did you become a true Lion, but you found your mate, too!" She cried happily.

"You know." I muttered.

"Of course we know. Benjamin told us. he seems like a good fellow. You take good care of him." My father said, pointing a finger at me.

"Aren't my siblings here?" I finally asked.

"No, they're all very busy with their lives." My mother shrugged. I hummed, looking away. We talked for a while before they decided they should head back home. We said our goodbyes and they left.

I sighed, getting up. I was starving and no one had brought me food yet. I was on a liquid diet until during the night.

I got dressed into the pair of clothes that were on the side, slipped into my shoes and left, frowning when I realised no one was in the clinic.

"There's no reason why I can't leave. I'm perfectly healthy." I muttered. "At my best anyway." I walked outside and decided to walk away from the clinic.

I smiled as I crossed path with the alpha.

"August." He greeted, surprised. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I answered.

He nodded, patting my back. "I've been wanting to talk to you about something." He started making me frown.


"My brother's pack needs him, and he can't stay here forever. I know he doesn't want to lose you. But losing his pack would be awful to him. I just want you to think about it, speak to him if you can." He smiled slightly.

I nodded. "Yeah, sure. I understand."

"Thank you." He sighed in relief, walking away.

I skipped to the pack house and ran up the stairs happily. I hoped Benjamin was home. I was about to knock when the door opened. I frowned, walking in.

"August." I heard Benjamin breathe out. I rose a brow, walking quietly to where his voice was coming from - the bedroom. He sounded out of breath and I could smell the arousal from where I was.

"Benjamin?" I called out quietly, opening the bedroom door. My breath hitched at the sight of his naked body sprawled out on the bed, hand wrapped around his member as he stared at me like a reindeer caught in headlights.

"August." He gasped, covering himself with the cover. I blushed, looking down. Now I'm turned on.

"W-what are you doing here?" He stammered.

"I discharged myself from the clinic. I'm healthy, you said so yourself. Also, I'm hungry." I told him.

"Ok. Just give me a minute. I'll be out in a sec." He said quickly.

"Do you-" I stopped, smiling wryly. "Uh-" I bit my lip, walking closer to the bed. I was very hesitant about this but I wanted it.

"August?" He called out. I nodded, taking my clothes off quickly.

"What are you doing?" He asked, eyes wide opened. I giggled, climbing on top of him, naked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I asked him. He growled, pinning me down, arms above my head. His lips pressed hungrily against mine as he threw the covers away.

Benjamin kissed my cheek once, then twice before wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Are you hungry?" He asked me.

"Starving." I gasped. He laughed, getting up, taking me with him.

"Let's go and eat then."

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