Chapter 6

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Two chapters as promises ^^

I smiled at Esme as I watched him make pancakes.

"Why are you smiling so much?" He asked, chuckling.

"Can't I be happy?" I questioned.

"You can, but you're happy because of what happened yesterday." He stated, putting a pancake on a plate and handing it to me.

I blushed, taking the plate silently. "Is that wrong?" I asked.

He finished cooking silently, then sat down next to me. "Mack can't know." He started.

I nodded. "I know. You're scared he might get mad at you."

Esme sighed. "He trusts me. He doesn't want me to be close to you like that, and I understand. He wants to protect you. And he will never forgive me."

"It's my life. I'm 20 years old, not 2." I whispered.

Esme patted my head gently, before getting up. "And I'm 38." He replied with a chuckle. "He should be here any minute now. We're going to visit pack ground."

"Am I too young for you?" I asked him just when there was a knock on the door. Esme sighed, kissing my forehead but he didn't have time to answer as the door opened to reveal Mack.

"How has my favourite boy been?" Mack grinned, hugging me.

I faked a smile, hugging him back. "I'm fine. What about you?"

He grinned happily. "My mate is the best. I'm just so happy with her."

I nodded, smiling. "That's good." I whispered.

"What's wrong?" He frowned.

"Nothing." I quickly glanced at Esme before heading for the front door. "I'd like to go walk around."

"Wait for us." Mack demanded making me huff as I left without waiting. I wasn't a child and I could take care of myself. I knew how to take care of myself, my father taught me.

I stopped dead in my tracks when Mack and Esme had appeared in front, growling at me.

"What's gotten into you?!" Mack yelled. I stayed quiet, I didn't want to answer him.

"Answer me!" He continued yelling. Just then, a girl walked towards us.

"Hi, you must be August. It's nice to meet you." She greeted, handing her hand out. I shook it. "I'm Alicia."

"Hi." I replied, glancing at Mack and Esme.

"Hi Mack. Esme." She bowed down slightly.

"What are you doing here?" Mack asked her, smiling softly. Bipolar much.

"My sister said you had a human friend join our pack so I thought I should maybe say hi." She explained. I tensed looking down.

He told everyone I was human.

"He's not human." Esme defended me. I smiled slightly.

"Then what is he? A lion?" Mack snorted. Esme was about to reply but I shook my head which in turn made him frown. I shrugged, blowing him a kiss discretely. He rolled his eyes, smiling.

"So who's your sister?" I asked after it was silent for a while.

"His mate, Anna." She chuckled. "Anyway, would you like me to give you a tour of the whole place? The pack community and pack lands. Oh and the pack house."

I nodded, glancing at the two men behind me. They both nodded making me smile as I walked away with Alicia.

"Thank you." I muttered.

Alicia rose a brow at me. "From saving you from an overprotective friend? No problem. Anna told me I should do so. She tried telling Mack to give you a bit of space but he doesn't want to hear it."

I chuckled. "I think I might like your sister more than I like Mack." I joked. She laughed.

"And the tour is done." She grinned, hands laying on her hips. "What was your favourite part?"

"The forest and the plain." I answered, smiling.

"Really? How come?" She asked, surprised.

"I like the flowers. Plus it's calm, soothing and relaxing."

She hummed, taking me back to the pack house. "Are you hungry?" She questioned as she walked into the kitchen.

"Yes." I nodded quickly. She chuckled, handing me a packet of crisps.

"We have a few minutes to eat these before class starts." She muttered, stuffing her face. I laughed.

"What class?" I asked, opening my packet.

"Esme teaches it. Hasn't he told you? We do a lot of sports. He helps us be stronger. He teaches us how to fight. A bit like PE but way more intense."

I nodded slowly. "I didn't know. Is that everyday?"

She nodded. "It's not the same stuff we do everyday but yes, we work out everyday."

"Can I do it?"

She chuckled. "You can try." She patted my back. "I'll be right back." She ten muttered, walking away.

I finished my crisps and headed for the bathroom. I threw up most of what I had ingested. Luckily for me, there were mints on the side so I took a couple.

"August." I heard Esme call out.

I turned around, tilting my head to the side. "Yes?"

"I'm going back to work as of today. My colleagues who came by the house last night, they need me to come back to work." He cleared.

"It's fine." I shrugged. He nodded, pushing me backwards until I was back into the bathroom. I frowned as he locked the door.

"Are you ok?" He questioned, his hand cupping my cheek.

"I'm fine." I whispered, leaning into his touch.

"Alicia told me you wanted to join my classes." He continued.

I blushed, nodding.

"Take it easy." He muttered. I nodded, grinning. He chuckled, pecking my forehead. I pouted, crossing my arms.

"What?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes, quickly getting on my tiptoes and kissing his lips. He hummed, ruffling my hair. "Let's go."

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