Chapter 24

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Oh my gosh! I completely forgot to update! I will update two chapters right now to maks up for it ^^

I skipped down the hallway happily. My reading and writing was getting better, and so was my piano playing. I hadn't talked about it to Benjamin yet, I was slightly worried of his reaction.

"You look happy today." I heard someone say. I looked back and smiled at the cleaning lady.

"Yes, I am." I agreed. She chuckled. I hummed, walking out and the suite and heading to the kitchen. I smiled at the two girls and they smiled back sweetly.

I grabbed an apple from the side and rinsed it quickly. I was about to leave when I heard glass breaking and then a big bang. I turned around and gasped as I saw the red headed girl on the floor, groaning in pain as glass had cut into the skin on her arm.

"Kate!" The other girl exclaimed, rushing up to her. I approached them carefully.

"We should call Benjamin." I muttered to them. The non-injured girl nodded, taking her phone out of her pocket.

"It hurts." Kate whined.

"Don't touch it, just stay wih us. Help will be there soon." I reassured her.

She sighed, looking around. "It really hurts." She groaned, pulling out the big piece of glass that cut into her arm. I squeaked and covered the cut with my hand, putting pressure onto it.

"You could bleed out!" I exclaimed, wide eyed.

"I'm feeling dizzy." She mumbled, closing her eyes.

"Kate, don't close your eyes!" I yelled, cursing. I pulled my jumper and t-shirt off and used the t-shirt as a bandage for her arm. I shook her roughly and she whined, opening her eyes. I put my jumper back on, sighing.

"He's here." The other girl said, walking up to us.

"What happened?" Benjamin asked, kneeling down beside me.

"She fell I think. Then she pulled the glass out of her arm so I tried stopping the bleeding with my t-shirt. She's losing consciousness." I cleared.

He nodded, calling out for her. She hummed quietly. Benjamin stood up and carried her out of the pack house and took her to the clinic that was two minutes away by foot. The girl and I both followed Ben.

"She'll be ok." I reassured her.

"She's so clumsy. She gets me so worried." She huffed. I chuckled, wiping my bloody hands on my jumper.

"Thank you." She whispered. "I panicked and thank God you were there to help her." I smiled, staying silent.

"She'll be fine." Benjamin, smiled, walking out of the room. "She lost a lot of blood but she'll heal." Her friend sighed in relief, walking into the room.

"I'm proud of you." Benjamin whispered, pecking my forehead. I hummed, hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist, sighing deeply.

"I'll see you at home in a few hours?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'll be waiting impatiently."

He snorted. "You keep busy when I'm gone."

"How would you know?" I grinned.

"You're knackered everytime we go to bed. You go out like a light." He replied, laughing.

I smiled, staring at him. "You never laugh like that." He stopped, frowning at me.

"No, keep smiling for me. I like seeing you happy." I grinned, taking his hand into mine.

He pecked my lips. "I have to work, I'll see you later, k?" I nodded, pursing my lips before leaving.

I headed straight to the piano room and grabbed a file that had loads of music sheet in it.

"Smile, by Charlie Chaplin." I mumbled, taking the sheet out. "I can't sing." I snorted, sitting on the stool. I hummed the melody as I played the piano.

"Smile though your heart is aching..." I mumbled in tune, grimacing, "smile even though it's breaking," I continued, "when there are clouds in the sky you'll get by," I smiled, enjoying it.

"If you smile through your fear and sorrow, smile and maybe tomorrow, you'll see the sun come shining through, for you..." I paused, biting my lip. I liked this song very much. "Smile, huh..." I mumbled, before I continued singing.

"Light up your face with gladness, hide every trace of sadness, although a tear may be ever so near, that's the time you must keep on trying, smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile," I grinned, "if you just smile..." I finished. I went at it again, I love this song.

"Lily." I picked up on Ben's exasperated voice from the pack house. My eyes widened and I rushed out of the room, locking it before I stashed the key in it's new hiding spot.

"Hi." I greeted Lily and Benjamin as they walked into their home.

"That's creepy." Lily muttered, smiling amusedly. I stack my tongue at her before smiling at Benjamin.

"How was your afternoon?" He asked, kissing my cheek.

"Same as always." I shrugged. It wasn't a lie.

"What do you do all day long? It must get boring." Lily grimaced, dumping her bag on the side. I shrugged.

"Not that boring." I replied.

"I still think you should get a job." Lily muttered. I frowned at her.

"No one will ever take me, I have no qualifications whatsoever. I'm no use to anybody." I answered, shrugging.

"I was thinking about that." Benjamin said with a frown.

"It's fine, you shouldn't worry about it." I cut in, smiling.

He sighed. "August." He whispered. "I just- I've had all the education I wanted and you got nothing."

"My parents were protective of me. Only because of my condition. I used to get bullied, and be chased by rogues. They did what they thought was right." I explained.

"You were chased by rogues?" Lily asked, wide eyed.

"I used to emit a particular smell. Apparently it smelled like damsel in distress. Anyhow, they were attracted to me. Thankfully, I'm a lion now." I nodded.

"It was a very particular smell." Benjamin chuckled. I glared at him making him smile. "I didn't say I didn't like it." He defended, wrapping his arms around me. I blushed, smiling.

"So, what's for dinner?" Lily interrupted. Ben groaned, pulling away before heading to the kitchen making me chuckle.

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