Chapter 11

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I knocked on the alpha's office door again, hoping he was still there. Unfortunately, he had left for the day. I sighed. It had been a week since I moved into the pack house and I still didn't know where or how I was suppose to do my washing. Alicia was away for a few days, so I couldn't ask her. I certainly wasn't going to ask Esme's because it's still a bit weird between us. And Mack, well he would just order me to move in with him instead.

I had no one to help me except for the alpha. Also, I had dirtied both my pajamas and my washing was piling up.

I sighed, walking up the ridiculous amount of stairs to reach the Alpha's suite. I bit my lip, wondering if I should really interrupt whatever he was doing at home.

"I need to wash my clothes." I whispered, then whined. "Is it worth interrupting the alpha?" I huffed. "Just do it."

I knocked three times on the door and waited until it opened.

"August?" A woman frowned, as she tried her robe.

"Is this a wrong time?" I asked, grimacing.

She chuckled, shrugging. "I'll let it pass this one time."

I nodded, pursing my lips. "Is the Alpha here?"

She nodded, letting me in. I smiled, thanking her.

"August! What a pleasant surprise." Benjamin greeted, smiling from ear to ear. I frowned at him.

"Do you live here?" I asked him.

"No. I live quite far away from here. I have a pack of my own, but I'm taking a break." He explained.

"Really? Is it hard being an Alpha? Is your pack big? Why do you have a pack of your own? And you were brought up with Allen, weren't you?" I asked.

He laughed. "Slow down, tiger." I blushed, looking away.

"It is hard being Alpha. Mostly because I am not mated so people don't take me as seriously. That amongst other issues. They've kind of calmed down now, but I'm struggling. They don't really respect me." He shrugged.

"Really? I don't have a mate either. My family and Mack think I probably won't find one because I'm more human than anything. I could always find a human guy but meh, I don't know." I shrugged. "Not having a mate is fine, isn't it? Before Esme, I never even thought of it. Never even had a crush on anyone before." I gasped.

His eyes widened. "You have a crush on Esme?"

My eyes widened as I realised what I just told him. "Uh-" I gulped. "We were, you know..." I trailed off. "But it didn't work out. Because his mate is Allen. Who rejected him because he was having problems. But he's back. He seems really nice." I cleared. "But don't tell Esme I told you. Mack can't know. Please don't say anything." I squeaked, grabbing his shirt and shaking him around.

"Allen is back?" He gasped.

My eyes widened. "Oh my gosh. I talk to much. It's your fault. I don't usually talk this much. Benjamin." I whined.

He laughed, hitting the wall as he tried to catch his breath. "Don't look so panicked. It's fine. I'm just shocked you had a thing with Esme. And that my brother is back. He hasn't spoken to us in 10 years. I'm still mad at him. We just figured we would never see him again. My parents will be mad."

"Oh. Why did he never speak to you?"

He shrugged. "Anyway, I don't think you were here to talk to me, were you?"

My eyes widened. I had completely forgotten. "I wanted to know where and how I was suppose to wash my laundry."

He snorted, patting my back. "I'll show you. My brother's a bit tired." He smiled, walking to the door.

"Ok. Thank you." I grinned, skipping to the door. He chuckled.

"So what brings you to the pack?" He asked, as we headed to my room.

"I became too much for my family to handle, with all my health problems and all, so they sent Mack to come and get me. Mack is a family friend." I whispered, gulping. I never liked to talk about this, somehow it felt like my family didn't want me anymore. That they rejected me, because of who I am and what I am.

"I can't imagine how you must feel." He answered back, wrapping an arm around my shoulder making me wince slightly.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked pulling away.

"It's fine. It's just been hurting a bit more these past few days." I replied, shrugging.

"Don't you take anything for the pain?"

I snorted. "Nothing works. I just have to push through." He frowned at me making me sigh as I opened my bedroom door.

"Nothing." He deadpanned.

"Nothing, Benjamin." I sighed, glaring at him.

"How is the pain? I mean, what number?"

I groaned. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Tell me. Please." He pouted, poking me in the stomach.

"Ugh." I sat down on my bed. "These days, it very easily goes up to a 20 out of 10. When that happens, I usually just sleep it off."

His brows furrowed as he sat down next to me. "You sleep it off?"

"I cry myself to sleep. What else am I suppose to do?" I questioned, exasperatedly.

His eyes widened. "August. You can't keep it in. You have to go to someone when that happens." I shrugged but stayed silent.

"August." He whispered, cupping my cheek. "You can't manage all that pain on your own. Let me help you."

I frowned at him. "How are you suppose to help me?"

He lied down on the bed, humming. "I'm a doctor. And before you start saying anything, I'm not here because Mack wanted me to check you out or because I wanted to. I swear, I will try and find something to make your life easier. You can't live like this. You won't survive."

I looked down, biting my lip. "I won't last ten years anyway." He frowned, shaking his head.

"It's true. I'm never going to make it up to 35 and I'm ok with that." I argued.

He pushed me down onto my bed and lied down next to me. "Don't say that."

I sighed, closing my eyes. "Thank you Benjamin for being my friend." I whispered, falling asleep.

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