Chapter 15

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Alicia crossed her arms, glaring at me which made me frown. I didn't know why she was mad at me.

"What's wrong? Please tell me." I pouted.

She groaned, sitting down on a bench. "You've been getting extremely close to Benjamin, if I do say so myself."

"Oh." I smiled sheepishly. "Actually, we're mates."

Her eyes widened before she started jumping around happily. "I'm so happy for you! You found your mate! Oh my gosh, we have to go and tell everyone."

I whined, holding her back before she stormed off. "I don't want to say anything yet. He just told me yesterday and we haven't talked about it since, so I just want to wait a bit."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'm just happy for you."

I smiled brightly. "I'm happy too. Plus, Benjamin is perfect."

"Oh you've been checking him out, alright." She laughed.

My eyes widened as I blushed. "No! Not- just once or twice." We both laughed at that.

"Oh he's hot." She whispered, eyeing a guy passing by.

"I thought you found your mate." I frowned.

"I can still compliment other people." She grinned. I snorted.

"Oh that one's your type." She pointed at a bulky guy.

I rolled my eyes. "Benjamin is my type."

"Esme is your type." She retorted.

I blushed and was about to answer when I felt arms wrap around me. From the scent, I immediately knew it was Benjamin.

"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned, kissing my cheek. I smiled.

"Nothing. Just talking." I replied, turning crimson as Alicia awed.

"Do you want to work out for a bit? Unless your back is hurting a lot. In that case, I suggest a massage."

I chuckled. "I'm ok right now. The pain is bearable."

He nodded. "Do you want to join us, Alicia?"

"And be a third wheel? No thank you." She replied, grinning. "See you later." And she left. I chuckled, getting up.

"You told her." He pouted.

"She's a good friend. Plus the way you've been cuddling me right now gave it away anyway." I stated.

He chuckled. "Can I tell my brother? He probably already knows. But you know, officially tell him." He grinned, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled as his lips pressed onto my cheek softly. It felt so different than when I kissed Esme. It felt calming. It was the best feeling ever.

"What kind of work out are we going to do?" I asked him.

"I know you're good at climbing, Mack said so. Are you up for that?" He suggested.

I nodded. "Where are we going for that?"

"The forest. We just have to be careful. But it should be fine. Rogues were only in that clearing because they want that specific part of the land." Ben informed me as we started walking.

"I like that clearing. It makes me feel like home. Lions like clearings with flowers. Which is why Esme likes it to. You should see his lion. It's massive. And fury. It reminds me of my brother. He was just as big. And he'd always let me go on his back, even though mum and dad said not to." I smiled at the memories.

"You miss them a lot, don't you?"

I shrugged. "It's what's best for me."

Benjamin hummed. "I'm sorry. I know your family means a lot to you."

I smiled slightly. "It's ok."

We arrived at the forest and Benjamin pointed at the first tree. "Show me what you've got."

I grinned and started climbing. I was really good at that. "Is that high enough for you?" I yelled.

He laughed. "You don't have to yell. I can hear you. I'm coming up." I giggled and watched him climb up the same tree before he sat down in front of me, both our legs dangling from each side of the strong branch.

"You're good at this, huh." He mumbled.

I nodded excitedly. "Very much so."

He smiled, cupping my cheek. "I would very much like to kiss you on the lips. Would that be alright?"

I blushed and my heart started beating faster. I nodded once and closed my eyes as he approached me. Our lips touched and there wasn't fireworks, just pretty butterflies flying around. He pulled away as soon as our lips touched making me mentally pout.

"I met with my Beta this morning." He started and as much as I really wanted to know what they talked about, I really wanted to kiss him. He jumped slightly in surprise when I pressed my lips against his again. His hands cupped my face as I felt his tongue prod my lower lip. I parted my lips slightly before both our tongues started exploring eachother's mouths. His hands moved down to my waist and pulled me closer. We both pulled away to catch our breaths. Ben pressed his lips on the corner of my mouth, smiling brightly.

"So what happened with your Beta?" I asked, grinning.

He snorted at me. "We talked for quite a bit. She's convinced my pack to actually give me a chance. They need me."

I nodded. "Are you going back?"

He smiled sadly. "I have to. I'm not going to ask you to stay here or come with me. It's your choice. And no matter what you choose, we're still mates."

"Is it as nice as here?" I questioned.

He smiled slightly. "It's nicer. Colder though. But you eventually get used to it. There is no clearing but there's lots of land. You could plant some flowers if you like. Or other stuff. And I have a floor to myself, in the pack house." He paused, taking my hand in his. "It's my home, I'm not going to lie. I've been there for 22 years now. I started out as head warrior, and made my way up to alpha. I can't imagine not going back there. I really do love it over there."

I hummed. I was about to answer but Benjamin stopped me, pressing a finger to my mouth.

"Mack is calling for you." He cleared, climbing down. I sighed and followed suit, jumping to the ground when I could. I winced when my feet hit the floor.

"Hop onto my back." He stated, bending down in front of me. I smiled widely, getting onto his back. I laid my head on his shoulder as I enjoyed the ride.

"There you are." Mack breathed out, raising a questioning brow at us.

"Here I am." I agreed, smiling.

"Can I speak with you?" He asked.

I frowned. "Of course. What is it?"

"Alone." He added, glaring at Benjamin. I sighed, sliding down. Ben smiled at me sweetly, squeezing my hand quickly before leaving.

Mack sighed. "The Alpha told me something and I don't know if it's true. He seemed convinced. I just want you to tell me the truth."

I frowned. This was really worrying me.

"Are you and Benjamin mates?" He finally asked. My eyes widened, I looked ahead and I could see that Benjamin had stopped in his tracks.

"W-well..." I pursed my lips, pausing, "he only told me like the other day. I swear I was going to tell. I was just waiting for a bit."

Mack huffed. "You should have told me straight away. I'm suppose to look after you. I promised your parents I would take good care of you."

"I'm sorry." I muttered, looking down.

"Is he good to you?" Mack asked, patting my head.

I smiled. "He's perfect to me." I answered. Mack smiled, hugging me.

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