Chapter 7

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I locked the front door and walked down the few steps ahead of me, but failing miserably to not trip on my shoe laces as I fell down. I groaned, sitting up. I tied my shoe laces and winced as I stood up. Maybe I shouldn't have waited to do my shoe laces. I looked down at my leg and grimaced at the blood staining my jeans. I didn't bother lifting them up, I just limped my way to the pack house where I was suppose to meet Alicia for our 5th class together.

"What happened to you?" She questioned wide eyed.

I smiled wryly. "I tripped, and fell. But I'm ok."

She snorted. "You're limping and you look like you're in pain."

"I hurt my back but I'm fine really." I assured her. She grimaced at me. I sighed.

"I'm gonna call Esme." She then said. My eyes widened as I shook my head.

"No. Why would you call him?" I asked trying to walk as fast as her.

"Because you live with him and you guys seem to have a nice bond." She answered, stopping, making me bump into her.

I tilted my head to the side. "What bond?"

She chuckled. "The same bond I see when I look at Anna and Mack."

I rose a brow at her. "They're mates." I deadpanned. "I'm not his mate. He would have told me if I were."

"Then when do I see stars in your eyes when you look at him?" She questioned.

I looked down, shrugging. "It'll end when he finds his mate. I'm not-"

She smiled sadly. "Ask him."

I shrugged, wincing when someone bumped into my shoulder.

"Okay, I'm calling Esme. He can deal with you." She muttered, leaving. I sighed, waiting for Esme to come.

He walked towards me in a hurry, a frown on his face. "What happened?"

"I tripped." I mumbled. He pursed his lips, checking me over.

"You hurt your leg." He stated, taking me to the bathroom. He grabbed the first aid kit and told me to sit down on the stool.

"Take your jeans off, it will be easier than rolling them up." He ordered. I nodded, taking them off, wincing as they rubbed against my cut.

"You should be more careful." He scolded, as he cleaned the blood off my skin before spraying the cut with disinfectant.

"I tripped on my shoe lace." I mumbled. He shook his head in disbelief. He covered the big cut with a plaster.

"Good as new." He grinned.

I snorted. "Thank you."

His eyes traveled down my body and lingered there for a couple of minutes before he cleared his throat and got up. I gulped and put my jeans back on.

"Did you hurt your back when you fell?"

I nodded. "A bit. But it'll pass." I said.

He glared at me. "How much does it hurt?"

"Seven?" I shrugged.

"You should go home and rest. I'll be there earlier than usually to make sure you're ok. There's food in the fridge and snacks in the cupboard." He said firmly.

"K." I replied silently.

He unlocked the door and was about to open it when I stopped him. He frowned, glancing at me. "Is something wrong?"

"Can I kiss you?" I asked, turning crimson.

He smirked, gently wrapping his arms around my waist. "You like that don't you." He muttered, kissing my lips softly. My eyes closed and I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep our lips connected. He slightly pulled away, smiling down at me.

"Are you satisfied?" He questioned.

I shook my head, smiling brightly. He pressed his lips against mine again. This is heaven.

I gritted my teeth as pain shot through my body. I squeezed my eyes shut, taking a few deep breaths. It didn't make it any better - excruciating pain was just coursing through my body, from my back to my legs.

"August, what's wrong?" Esme asked worriedly.

"It hurts. A lot." I said, groaning. "It hurts so much. This feels like a 20 more than a 10."

He crouched down in front of me, running a hand over my arm. "What do you want me to do? Shall I take you to bed?"

I nodded, screaming - mouth closed - as the pain sky rocketed when he took me in his arms. Once we reached my bed, he pulled my clothes off of me and laid me down on the bed.

"Should I call Mack? Or the doctor?"

I shook my head, glancing at him. "Just stay, please." I whispered, voice strained. He nodded, taking his clothes off, leaving us both in our underwear, and lying down beside me. I gripped the sheets, cursing as tears threatened to come out.

"I'm right here." He whispered, as I felt his body shift into his animal. I gasped at the sight of his lion. Fury, gigantesque. He was beautiful. I hummed, wrapping my arms around his neck and snuggling as close to him as possible. Tears streamed down my face as another shooting pain ripped through my back. After a while, I fell asleep.

The next time I woke up, it was morning and the pain had subsided to an 8.

"Morning." Esme greeted as he walked into the room, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. My breath hitched and I looked away as my member hardened.

"How's the pain?" He asked, sitting down at the end of the bed.

"It hurts but not as much." I replied truthfully, smiling.

"Good." He whispered, patting my leg. I bit my lip, my eyes trailing down to the opening of the towel. I could almost see it - I was so tempted to just reach out and pull the towel off of him - but then he'd probably get mad. But then again, I could always reach inside without removing it.

I looked at Esme as I climbed onto his lap. He gasped slightly, frowning at me. I rested my head on his shoulder as I grinding over him.

"August." He warned.

"You make me horny." I replied silently. His hands wrapped around my hips but he didn't do anything. I bit my lip and reached into the towel to grab his member in my hand. He jumped in surprise and glared at me. I smiled innocently.

"August." He warned, for the second time.

"Esme." I whispered back, grinding against him again. He growled, pushing me onto the bed.

"Pajamas off. Now." He ordered. I hurried to get all my clothes off as fast as possible. I don't even remember putting them on, so he must have dressed me in the the night. His eyes raked over my body hungrily while he threw the covers away.

"Arms above your head. Legs far apart." He demanded. I breathed heavily, spreading my legs and lifting my arms above my head.

"Beautiful." He rasped out, throwing the towel away. I moaned just at the sight of him. He growled, his lips attacking my neck as he started grinding over me. I groaned, closing my eyes.

"You have no idea what you do to me." He whispered in my ear before he started nipping at the skin on my neck. I hummed, tilting my head to the side to give him more access. His hand reached both our members and he started rubbing them together.

"E-e-e-" I stammered, gasping. I gripped his arms as he pressed onto my tip. I bit my lip, holding onto my release - I had to wait for his permission which somehow turned me on even more.

"Come for me." He finally said and I let out a high pitched moan as I released allover the both of us. He growled, releasing right after me. I breathed heavily, my eyes still closed as I tried to breath normally.

"I need to go to work." Esme finally said.

I opened my eyes, nodding. "Okay." I whispered.

"Don't over do it. You're still in pain. If you need anything, you have my number. Otherwise, call Mack." He got up, and left my room. I sighed, getting up. I walked straight into the shower, and sank to the floor.

"Why am I even falling for an unmated and unmarked lion? I'm not his mate. I'm a mere human being, I should not be doing this." I murmured to myself. "But it feels nice." I then added, groaning.

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