Actual chapter 36

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Sorry for the mishap! This will clear any confusions you had! I am so so sorry!

I dressed into a black pair of ripped jeans, and a red jumper. I brushed my hair quickly and tied into into a ponytail - something I hardly ever did, I always left it out. I put the gold lip ring on and slipped into my black converses. I grabbed my jean jacket and left the house.

I was slightly nervous, I was going to the pack house for the first time in what seemed like forever. I smiled slightly at the people I walked by. I sighed in relief when Ben's smell hit my nostrils. He was probably in the pack house somewhere.

"August!" Lily exclaimed as she waved at me. I walked up to her, she was in the living room.

"Hey." I smiled. "Hi." I greeted her friends.

"Are you looking for my father?" She asked.

"No. I was just visiting." I replied, smiling wryly. She rose a brow at me.

"Ok. Does that have to do with the to-do list you hung up allover the house?" She chuckled.

"Yes." I confirmed, smiling.

"August!" I heard Ben call out. I turned around, waving.

"Bennie." I sang.

"What brings you here?" He asked, pulling me into his arms. I shrugged, wrapping my arms around his neck. He chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm just visiting." I told him.

He rose a brow at me. "That's a first." I hummed, shrugging.

"Alpha, August." The beta greeted, smiling at us. She then turned to Ben. "Have you told him?" I frowned, glancing at Ben.

"Uh- no. I haven't-" He stopped, running a hand through his hair. All the pack members present just stared at us - it was very confusing.

"August." Benjamin sighed, smiling down at me.

"Yes? What is it?"

"We've had a small vote." He started slowly.

"What was it about?" I asked, frowning in concern.

"Whether or not you should become Luna." He said, quietly.


"So I guess I'm not wanted as Luna of the pack." I muttered.

"Again," he continued, "we've been through a lot. And even though I've reassure my pack that you would be suited for the position, it's still hard. We've lost someone dear to us. I know you don't understand..." He trailed off.

I nodded, biting my lip as I gulped. "It's fine." I lied, shrugging.

"Baby." He whispered.

"Who will it be then?" I asked.

"My daughter. It seems like the logical choice. I've talked about it with her, and she's up for it." He smiled proudly as he wrapped his arms around her.

"That's good. I'm sure she deserves it." I muttered. Lily smiled sadly.

"We were scared you would take this the wrong way, thank God you're ok with it." His beta chuckled. I faked a smile.

"Let's party." A pack member stated aloud. Everyone cheered. I sighed.

"Ben?" I called out. He smiled at me.

"I'm tired, so I'm gonna head home. But stay as long as you want, I'll be fine. I'm gonna go straight to bed." I told him.

He nodded, pecking my lips. "Be careful." I nodded, walking away.

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