Chapter 22

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I yawned, waking up. I pouted when I realised Benjamin wasn't there. I got up, stretching a bit before dragging my feet to the kitchen. Benjamin smiled brightly at me.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked, wrapping his arms around my waist. I hummed, leaning into him as I closed my eyes.

"I'm tired, still." I mumbled.

"You would be. You spent half the night throwing up because you hadn't eaten all day." He replied.

"I know." I pouted. He chuckled.

"I could always give you an energy boost." He muttered, lifting the shirt up slightly. I squeaked, gripping his arms. He chuckled, lips pressing onto my neck.

"Morning." I heard Lily greet us. We both pulled away quickly.

"Hi." I mumbled in a high pitch.

She smirked at me, then winked. I blushed, glancing at Benjamin. He seemed as shocked as I was. Lily only laughed, leaving. We both burst out laughing.

"She's crazy." He muttered. I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiled down at me, pecking my lips. I pressed my lips against his again as I started undoing his pants.

"August I have to leave in ten minutes." He mumbled.

"Don't worry." I muttered, pulling his pants down. He growled, pinning me against the wall. He pulled my pants down and tore my shirt in one swift movement. He turned me round and I moaned as he grinding against me. I pushed my butt back, hoping to get more friction. His lips latched onto my neck as he grabbed my member in his hand. His free hand spread my cheeks apart as he simply rubbed his member against my butt. My mouth fell open as I moaned. He growled, the tip of his member entering me slowly. I groaned, cumming onto the wall and into his hand. He came right after, pushing in a bit more.

"I'll come back home for lunch." He breathed out, pressing his lips against my cheek. "Don't forget to eat snacks. Fruit if possible." He continued, kissing down my neck.

"Uh-huh." I nodded, tilting my head to the side. He finally pulled away, washing his hands.

"I'll clean up, you just go." I told him as he pulled his pants up.

"Don't forget to get dressed. I wouldn't want anyone else seeing that beautiful body of yours." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him. My breath hitched and he chuckled. He kissed my cheek before leaving. I sighed deeply, getting dressed before I started cleaning up. Once I was done, I had breakfast and then decided to continue reading my book.

I stood up quickly as I picked up on Benjamin's smell. I put the book down and ran to the bedroom, pulling all my clothes and slipping into on of his shirts - leaving it unbuttoned. I bit my lip, tiptoeing my way out of the room, making sure no one else was there but him.

"I can here you breathe August." He laughed, walking around. I walked into the living room, playing with the hem of my sleeves as I waited for Benjamin's response, nervously.

"August." He growled out, gripping my waist tightly. I hummed, looking up at him. His eyes had changed color and his fangs had elongated. My heart was beating fast, and my breathing was heavy - I was excited. He lifted me up into his arms and carried me to our bedroom before placing me on the bed. I grinned, crawling to the top. He just stared at me making me sigh.

"Are you going to take your clothes off or not?" I asked, my smile growing even bigger. He took his clothes off quickly before crawling his way up to me. His lips pressed against mine hungrily as his hand gripped my member. I moaned, placing my hands on his chest - he was well built and I liked the feeling of it. I gasped when I felt a cold liquid hit my entrance.

"Are you sure about this, August?" He asked, stretching me out slowly with his fingers. I nodded quickly, moaning as he curled his fingers. He pulled away and spread my legs apart to give him more access. He kissed me as he pushed into me. I bit my lip, letting my hands roam his chest as a distraction. He started moving slowly, going deeper as he did so until finally he was balls deep. His hands gripped my waist before he pulled out and pushed back in again, roughly. I moaned loudly, closing my eyes. Ben growled, going harder and deeper. I was a moaning mess - it all felt so good.

"B-b-b-" I stammered, moaning and he picked up the pace of his thrusts.

"B-b-benny." I whined, releasing as he hit my spot over and over again, digging my fangs into his neck. He didn't even have to stimulate my member. He moaned as I felt cum fill my insides. He punctured my skin with his teeth and we stayed there for a minute, enjoying the feeling of finally being complete.

"Dad!" Lily's voice resonated through the suite. We both jumped and Benjamin hurried to get out of bed.

"Two seconds, Lily." He yelled back, cursing under his breath. I whined, stepping out of the bed.

"I thought she had school?" I questioned, confused.

Benjamin chuckled. "It's Wednesday." I pouted, getting up. He growled, pressing his lips against mine hungrily.

"I'm not finished with you." He whispered, walking into the bathroom. I followed behind and we both showered and got dressed quickly before walking out of the bedroom.

"Finally." She huffed. Benjamin glared at her and she grinned.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." She smiled innocently.

"No you weren't, Lily. What is it you wanted?" Benjamin finally asked.

"I thought we could get back into our routine, and go shopping. It's the first Wednesday of the month and it's starting to get chilly." She explained. "Please."

Benjamin smiled sweetly. "Yes, of course honey." He agreed. "Do you want to join us, August?"

I looked up at him, shrugging. "It's fine. You two go together, I've been keeping you to myself long enough. I should share."

Benjamin chuckled. "I'll make you lunch before we go then." He pecked my lips, walking to the kitchen. I smiled, turning back round to Lily.

"Thank you." She replied, smiling wryly.

"Well you are his daughter after all." I muttered.

She chuckled. "Yeah, pretty awkward. You're my stepfather yet you're only five years older than me."

I grimaced, shaking my head rapidly. "I'm still not comfortable with that. I prefer just being your father's mate."

She grinned. "Ok." She shrugged, heading to the kitchen. I smiled, following behind.

"What's for lunch?" I asked Benjamin.

"Pasta. Is that alright with you?" He asked me.

I nodded. "I'm not picky."

"Oh I know. You can almost eat anything." He laughed. I stack my tongue out playfully.

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