Chapter 4

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I've been so busy with Christmas these days... However, you'll have a double update on Christmas day! x)

I whined as I felt someone stir underneath me.

"August?" I heard someone whisper in my ear. I hummed, yawning as I opened my eyes slightly.

"Esme?" I frowned then remembered that I fell asleep in his arms. He ran a hand through my hair, tugging at it slightly. My eyes closed as chills coursed through my body - it felt that good. He continued for a while until we were interrupted. My eyes were half lidded - I felt so relaxed, it felt like I was drugged.

"What the hell are you two up to?!" Mack exclaimed as he stormed into the room.

"Shhh." Esme hushed him as he tugged a bit harder on my hair as I started to stir away from him. I exhaled deeply, mouth parting as he massaged my scalp slightly. I couldn't think, I just felt so good.

"I'm going to get up slowly, August. Ok?" Esme quietly said. I hummed and he let me go to land on my own two feet as he got up. His hand didn't leave my hair until we were both standing. When I opened my eyes, he was smiling widely. I felt like I had been floating on a cloud and then the cloud simply tilted to let me land.

"It's something my mother used to do when my father was stressed - he was the head of the pack warriors." He started, glancing at our friend. "It only works on a few people, though. I'm glad it works on you. It should help you relax." He continued, facing me.

I blushed, nodding. "Thank you." He patted my head and my eyes closed for two seconds before he pulled away.

Mack rolled his eyes, pushing us apart. "Get your hands off of him. And don't do that again." He ordered Esme. Esme simply nodded at Mack as he headed out the bedroom - not before sending a wink my way.

"We found your suitcase. Get dressed." Mack muttered getting the suitcase from the doorway before he left.

I smiled at the thought of Esme while unpacking my things. I put everything on my bed as I realised this wasn't actually my bedroom. I got dressed into a pair of skinny ripped jeans and a plain white tee. I put my converses on and then headed to the bathroom with my bathroom bag. I decided on wearing my lip ring before heading out.

I looked around, amazed at how clean, and spacious the house was. The walls were painted in white which probably made the house look colder than it is.

"What are you wearing?!" Mack exclaimed - again - as I put my hair in a messy bun.

"Clothes?" I asked, posing. He glared making smile.

"What are you cooking?" I asked him. He was sitting on the bar stool in the kitchen but I assumed he was cooking since no one else was here.

"I'm not cooking. Esme is." He answered. I walked to the stove, licking my lips and what was there.

"This smells really good. Can I have a taste?" I asked, even though I didn't wait for an answer as I looked around for a spoon. I moaned as the food hit my mouth.

"I could get used to this." I muttered, dipping my spoon again. It was mince - he was probably making burritos.

"You better not throw up on our meal." Mack grumbled. I didn't answer, I was too busy enjoying the food.

"Just one last one to go." I mumbled to myself as I served myself a third spoon. I turned around, freezing at the sight of Esme. He rose a brow at me. My eyes widened as I finished my mouthful.

"Would you like some?" He asked as he got plates out.

"An extra one for me." I grinned. He put some rice in the burrito, then filled it up with gravy and meat. I beamed at him as he gave me a second burrito.

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