Chapter 29

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Yes, finally! Another update ><

Christmas morning had been awful for me. Everyone was so cheery and I hated myself for not celebrating with them. Alicia and Mack and convinced me to spend the morning with them. Alicia's mate was here but I hardly spoke to him. They had gotten me a nice pair of pjs. After that though, Mack was informed that Benjamin was here so I left for my bedroom again. I really hoped he didn't want to see me. I wouldn't be able to cope. I cried silently, covering myself with the covers.

"August?" Alicia called out, knocking on my door. I didn't answer, I couldn't. My voice would break.

"Do you want to help us build a snowman?" She asked.

I frowned. "It's snowing?"

She chuckled. "Yeah and there's enough snow to build a snowman. Would you like to join us?"

I opened the door, biting my lip. "I've never built a snowman before."

She hugged me, kissing my cheek gently. "Thank you, August. You won't regret it. Come on. It'll be fun."

I nodded and held her hand as she dragged us outside, not before we put our shoes, coats, scarfs and hats on. Her mate was here and he smiled at me.

"We're three so it should go quite fast. August, just follow what we do. I'll do the base. Alicia, you do the belly, and August you'll do the head." He instructed. I nodded, watching them for a while before copying there movements.

I squeaked when I felt snow fall onto my head. Alicia laughed and I glared at her. "You threw a snowball at me." I pouted.

"I don't think do." She lied. I grabbed some snow in my hand and threw it at her. She laughed, grabbing some and throwing it at her boyfriend.

"This is war!" He yelled, filling both hands with snow. My eyes widened and I squeaked again when it hit my face. They both froze and I smiled, grabbing some snow and throwing it at her boyfriend, Cole. Alicia laughed and I joined her. Cole grinned and we all started throwing snowballs at eachother. It was fun. I lied down on the floor to calm myself down.

"I'm tired." I called out. They walked up to me smiling.

"Best fight ever, or what?" Cole grinned. I sat up, nodding before slapping a snowball on each of their faces.

"August!" Alicia squeaked. I giggled, getting up and running away, eyes still on them to watch what they were doing. I bumped into something and fell onto my butt, frowning. I looked up and my eyes widened at the sight of Benjamin. I stayed still as I stared at him. I didn't know what to do, or say. Should I leave? Should I say hi? Should I be mad? My brain went blank and my eyes were getting watery. I got up slowly.

"Merry Christmas, August." He whispered, as he reached for my hand. I backed away, biting my lip.

"I'm busy. Come back another time." I said quickly, turning around and walking away as tears started pouring out of my eyes.

"August." He called out. I didn't answer. Unfortunately, by the time I reached the house, he was already there. I sighed, turning around, forcing myself to stop crying but didn't dare look up at him.

"I'm sorry." He started, making me huff. "I truly am sorry, August. Please look at me."

I looked up, frowning as I realised he had a black eye.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked.

"Mack punched me for hurting you." He grumbled.

"Oh." I mumbled, looking down.

"Can we talk?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Benjamin." I whined.

He hummed, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his embrace. "Forgive me, August. For not being there for you. For yelling at you. For ignoring you. For being an idiot. I wish I could take it all back." He paused, pressing his lips onto my forehead.

"It took me so much time to realise how much you mean to me, and I know it's late. But I'm better now. I've come to terms with Leo's death. I will be the best mate ever, I swear." He finished, pulling away.

"I don't want to live in the pack house." I mumbled.

He grinned, nodding. "We can move."

"And I want a piano." I whispered.

He paused for a second before he smiled sadly. "You can have a piano if you want."

"And a big library." I added. He nodded quickly.

"And soundproof walls for our bedroom." I joked. He laughed, pecking my lips.

"Soundproof walls if we must."

I nodded, biting my lip. "And no yelling. Ever."

He nodded, smiling sadly. "I promise."

"And no more secrets. Ever." I continued.

"Pinkie swear." He said, pursing his lips.

I was about to say something else when Mack walked up to us. "What are you doing here?" He grunted.

"I came asking for forgiveness." He replied honestly.

"Oh really? Have you any idea how hard it's been on August?" Mack asked, glaring daggers at Ben.

"My brother's told me a bit." He nodded.

"A bit?! He hasn't stopped crying since you guys broke up! He hardly eats and has lost a lot of weight. He hardly ever left his bedroom!" Mack yelled angrily.

"And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make up for it." He answered, calmly.

"Oh you better. Next time August cries in my arms, I will rip your head off." He growled, walking into the house. I pursed my lips, wide eyed.

"I should go. But I'll see you tomorrow to pick you up for good." He smiled.

I nodded. He pressed his lips onto mine softly. "I love you so much August. I know you don't believe it but I truly do."

"I love you too Benjamin." I whispered, hugging him as tears fell out of my eyes.

"Hey." He whispered, kissing my cheek. "I do. I love you. And I'll make sure you know so every single day."

I chuckled. "I look forward to that." I mumbled.

He snorted. "I'll see you tomorrow. Probably in the evening." I nodded, kissing his lips quickly before entering the house.

"August?" Alicia called out, knocking at my door. I opened it, letting her in.

"I have a little something for you. I thought you might like it. It should suit you." She said, handing me a small present.

"But I didn't get you anything." I pouted.

She chuckled. "I don't mind, really. Besides," she smirked, "you're gonna need it for tomorrow."

I opened it and my eyes widened as I blushed. "A pantie?" I squeaked.

"They're men's wear." She muttered.

I blushed again, placing it on the bed. "Thank you?"

She chuckled. "It doesn't mean I'm not mad at your mate. God knows how mad I am. But I want you to have fun."

I huffed, glancing at the panties. "I'll see."

She grinned, kissing my cheek before leaving.

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