Chapter 20

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This is a short chapter, but I will post an other one tomorrow. x

"I'm gonna miss you." Mack pouted. I giggled, hugging him.

"You can always come and visit." I told him, smiling at his mate who was standing next to him.

I hugged Alicia, smiling. "I'll call you."

"With what phone?" She joked.

I stack my tongue out at her. "Bennie has a phone. I can use his." I retorted.

I heard Esme laugh making me glare at him. "Bennie?" He muttered.

I huffed, and Benjamin chuckled, kissing my cheek. "We're gonna be late." He whispered.

I nodded. "Let me say goodbye to Esme." I muttered. He smiled, nodding. I walked up to Esme and hugged him tightly. He tense for a second before embracing me.

"You're my favourite lion, Esme. I love you." I whispered. He ruffled my hair.

"You take care of yourself. And call me whenever you want." He replied, smiling softly.

"Why is Esme always so soft when it comes to August?" Mack whined.

I grinned, waving at Esme's mate. "I like you too." I answered. He chuckled, nodding. Allen glanced at Benjamin, sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Benjamin." He whispered. Benjamin looked away.

"We'll talk later, brother." He told him, pulling me away. I smiled - I knew they were going to make up sooner or later.

Once we were far enough, Benjamin started undressing. I blushed looking away.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to trott our way to your pack?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yes. Plus you need to train your lion. Let it spread its paws a little."

I sighed and took my closed off, changing into my animal form. Benjamin was still in his human for as he put our clothes in our bag. Once was he done, he changed too.

He howled before grabbing the bag with his teeth and walking away. I followed behind, happily.

I heaved, stopping. I was so tired and I was starving. Benjamin nudged me with his head before he licked my face. I whined, getting up. He stayed behind me, nudging me in the butt whenever he felt like I was slowing down. And finally! We had arrived.

We changed back into our human forms and got dressed before he led me to the pack house.

"Daddy!" His daughter squeaked as she saw him before rushing into his arms. I pursed my lips, backing up slightly. It still felt weird - and I didn't want her to feel like I wasn't accepting her or anything. I left them to talk as I looked around the common room. Loads of pictures were displayed on the wall and bookshelves. On a few of them was Benjamin. I jumped when I heard laughing. My arm accidentally shot up and my eyes widened as a vase fell to the floor. Ashes spread by my feet snd I gulped. This was not good.

"August?" Benjamin called out walking in. A few other pack members walked in and gasped.

"What did you do?" Benjamin asked in panic as he rushed towards me.

"I didn't mean to. I got startled and it fell." I replied. He groaned, pulling me away.

"He destroyed it!" Someone exclaimed.

"And he's suppose to be your mate? What a disgrace!" Another said.

I bit my lip, glancing at Benjamin. "Ben-" I started but he glared at me.

"You shouldn't have left my side. Those ashes and the vase are sacred. And you just dropped it on the floor." He muttered, walking back into the common room as he tried to calm the people down. I looked around and his daughter simply stared at me before walking away. I gulped. I shouldn't have come - it was a mistake. His daughter came back and smiled at me.

"My dad told me to take you to the alpha suite. He suggested you wait there." She told me, walking up a flight of stairs before unlocking the door.

"Welcome home." She muttered, letting me in.

"Thank you." I whispered. She nodded, leaving. I sighed, walking to the kitchen. I looked for some food but the cupboards and fridge seemed to be emtpy. My stomach grumbled and I sighed.

I waited for two hours but Benjamin still hadn't come. I was starting to think that he was really mad at me. I sat down on the couch, looking into space. After a while, I lied down, closing my eyes. I was tired, hungry and upset. I really just wanted Benjamin to be there.

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