Chapter 13

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"Benji!" I sang. He waved, chuckling.

"What are you doing here?" He then questioned. I sighed glancing at Esme, then at Alicia who was currently working out with another girl.

"I'm bored." I pouted.

He snorted. "Go to uni."

I rolled my eyes. "I stopped school young, my parents thought it was best to take me out of school, with all my health problems and all."

"You could look for a job." He then suggested.

I huffed. "What are you doing here?" I changed the subject.

He sighed. "Just passing by. Do you work out or do sports?"

I shrugged. "I used to back home - it was more like running around -, and I also used to be in Esme's classes but he pulled me out because he thought I would get hurt."

"Understandable. You can get hurt." He agreed. "Doesn't mean you can't do anything. Come on. Let's have a race." He smiled, pulling me to the side.

"What? Don't you have things to do?" I frowned.

"Oh just shut up and race with me, will you?"

I laughed, punching him playfully in the arm. "Fine. But I don't run fast."

He rolled his eyes. "Ready." He started, making me smile. "Set." He paused again, grinning at me. "Go!"

He zoomed passed me making me groan as I sprinted. I ran after him as he headed to the clearing. We probably ran for about fifteen or twenty minutes. He stopped, grinning as he waited for me. I heaved, running for a bit longer before stopping.

"I'm tired." I breathed out, smiling as he groaned, stomping his feet towards me.

"You lasted quite a bit." He stated.

"I guess." I shrugged, lying down in the middle of the flowers and grass. Ben layed himself down next to me, on his side.

"Are you hungry?" He asked all of a sudden.

"What?" I frowned, chuckling.

"I have two cereal bars in my pocket. You can have them if you want."

"Don't you want them?" I questioned.

"No. But you do." He smirked, taking them out. I smiled brightly, giving my hand out. He chuckled, but it faded as he looked passed me. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning around but not seeing anything.

"Rogues. Let's go." He ordered, voice low as he glared ahead. I nodded, getting up and wincing as my back hurt. Benjamin took a hold of my hand as we started walking hurriedly. I squeaked when one appeared in front of us.

"Leave. Us. Alone." Benjamin growled out slowly. The rogue only sneered at us, making me tense.

"Run. Go back to the pack house. I'll be right behind you." He told me, pushing me away. I frowned, backing up. He suddenly changed into his wolf form before charging at the rogue. I winced and started running away.

I froze when I heard a wolf howling in pain. I bit my lip, looking back. "Damn it." I cursed, running back to Benjamin.

"Bennie!" I yelled, stopping as two rogues surrounded him. He looked harmed. They growled at me as one started walking towards me. I backed away, looking around to see if there was anything I could use as weapon.

I grabbed a thick stick from the floor and hit the rogue as hard as possible as he charged onto me. I gasped when he cried, falling to the ground. He ran away, the other following behind. I sighed in relief, running back to Benjamin.

"Ben." I whispered, caressing his soft fur. He changed back into his human form, groaning in pain. I bit my lip, as I looked him over. His leg was covered in blood and so was his shoulder. I grabbed his phone from the floor but huffed when I noticed there was no signal.

"Benjamin." I whispered as his eyes closed. "Don't fall asleep. Not yet."

His eyes opened and a small smile graced his lips. "Pretty August." He mumbled.

I hummed, lifting him up by the shoulders, gritting my teeth as pain shot through my back. I took a deep breath - although shaky - and started dragging him out of the clearing. He was so heavy, and I was barely holding on.

"Benjamin." I called out. He hummed, tiredly. "Bennie. Come on. Keep your eyes open."

"Bennie." He chuckled, but ended up coughing. I bit my lip, looking backwards.

"We're nearly there." I whispered as I saw we were nearing the exit of the forest.

"I'm tired." He mumbled. A tear left my eye because I wasn't even sure I was going to make it. My back was killing me, and I was going extremely slowly.

I squeaked when I felt a sharp pain in my spine. I lost my footing and fell to the floor. I groaned, and tried getting up but the pain was unbearable. I crawled to face Benjamin and cursed as his eyes were closed. He wasn't answering.

"Benjamin." I cried. I gulped, forcing myself back up, screaming in pain. I had to do it. Benjamin needed help. I continued dragging him until we reached the pack house. I laid him down on the floor but collapsed before I could get help. My back was killing me.

"Benjamin." I muttered, my eyes slowly closing.

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