Chapter 5

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"Can I go for a run?" I asked Esme, walking out of the room in sweatpants and blue t-shirt.

"You're not allowed to go out on your own." He muttered. "Mack would kill me if he found out I let you go by yourself."

I groaned. "He's not my father."

"But he promised your father he would take care of you. You're here because you're prey to a lot of us - supernatural beings, and because you're weaker than most." He answered, walking to his bedroom. He had officially given me his old room and moved into the spare room definitively.

I sighed, leaning on the wall as pain shot through my spine. "I can't just stay locked up in this small house of yours." I groaned.

"Which is why I've decided to take you out myself." He continued. My eyes widened.


He nodded, putting his shoes on. I grinned, running up to him and embracing him in a hug - even though I was in pain.

"Ok, let's go!" I exclaimed, hurrying to get my shoes on before I rushed to the front door and opened it. I frowned at the two men and two women standing there, glaring at me.

"Uh-" I backed away, looking for Esme. He smiled as he walked towards me. "There's people at the door for you, I think."

"What?" He questioned, walking to the front door. "Oh hi." He greeted with a smile. I stood next to Esme, looking at all of them. They all were very beautiful and handsome but none of them seemed to compare to Esme's beauty and hotness.

I didn't bother listening to what they were saying. Instead I focused on Esme's face. He had a sharp jawline, and his face was nicely shaped. His eyes were slightly slit and they were the darkest shade of brown ever - it made them even more enticing. His hair was in short, thin dreadlocks - which suited him really well. My eyes continued their way down to his shoulders. Gosh, they made you dream while still being fully awake. They were broad, and big and they made him look scarier - although I wasn't the least bit scared of him. His build probably scared a lot of people away - the guy could break you with one finger. He was very tall too, at least two heads taller than me - if not three. I gulped at the sight of his chest. The t-shirt he was wearing was pretty tight and it didn't leave much to my imagination. His abs were showing a lot - and I was kind of hoping my mouth was closed and that I wasn't drooling. And then his hands. His hands were huge, twice maybe three times bigger than mine, and I could only imagine what they could do to me.

I let out a shaky breath of air. My thoughts were running wild, but I couldn't help it. He started all this - I've never had the need or the want to think about those things until I met him.

"Uh, is he ok?" I heard a hesitant voice say. I looked up and everyone was staring at me. They all looked at me weirdly - I was confused.

"August." Esme placed his hand on the small of my back and started rubbing softly. I really didn't want to embarrass myself but I couldn't stop my thoughts from running. I imagined the feel of his hands on my bare skin, then his big hands rubbing at my thighs. They would-

The door closed making me jump a bit - I didn't realise I had zoned out.

"August." Esme whispered, frowning.

"Yeah." I replied, letting out a small sound as he wrapped both his hands around my waist.

"This should not happen. Mack will hate me for this." He cursed, lifting one of his hands and tugging at my hair. I gasped, eyes closing as my lips parted.

"You're making this hard for me to resist, August." He growled, tugging at my hair a bit harder. I full out moaned, my knees giving way. He caught me and picked me up with ease, my legs wrapping around his waist. The friction it caused when I accidentally rubbed myself against him made me gasp, dropping my head in the crook of his neck. He put me down on my bed, and backed away, eyes slightly wide as he looked around.

I bit my lip, looking down. "Sorry, I just can't help it." I whispered when I realised he didn't want to help me or whatever I wanted him to do. I wrapped myself in the covers and turned around. "I'll sleep it off."

"August." He mumbled, stepping closer.

"It's fine. Just go, I want to sleep." I said, closing my eyes and covering my entire body with the cover.

"I can't betray Mack. He's my friend and I promised him I would take care of you." He tried explaining. I hummed, biting my lip. Having an erection turned out to be very uncomfortable when it's not taken care of. And any movement I made just made me bite my lip more. I frowned as I heard Esme groan.

"Take your clothes off." He demanded. I blushed, pulling the covers off of me.

"W-what?" I stammered.

"Take your clothes off. Don't make me repeat myself." He ordered. I gasped, taking my clothes off, my eyes still wide.

His eyes raked over my naked body and I never felt any hotter. "Come here."

I blushed, walking over to him slowly, my hands covering my member.

"Don't cover yourself for me, cub." He growled as he gripped my hair in his hands. I moaned, my eyelids fluttering shut.

"Let me take over your body." He then whispered, his right hand running over my bare back. I tensed when he started feeling around my spine.

"What's wrong?"

I looked up at him and for the first time ever, his eyes turned a mesmerising shade of yellow and gold. I didn't answer his question.

"You're beautiful. And your back doesn't make you any less beautiful." He continued, his hand going lower until he squeezed my butt. I gasped, my head falling forward, onto his chest. He didn't stop there - his hand moved down to my thighs. He squeezed them lightly, one after the other, before going up and lightly skimming my member. I was panting heavily and he hadn't even done anything yet.

"Am I the first one to do this to you?" He whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly, mouth open as he tugged onto my hair again. He chuckled, voice low, before he took me in his hand. I moaned, looking up at him. His eyes were trained on me as he pleasured me, his hand moving up and down my member slowly. His left hand pulled at my hair roughly - yet all it did was make the experience more pleasurable.

"E-E-Esme." I moaned out. My knees buckled but he caught me in time and held me up with his left arm. He carried me to the bed and sat me down, smirking. I blushed, biting my lip.

"Feeling any better?" He asked. I shook my head quickly making him grin. He sat on the floor, in front of me and wrapped his hand around my member again. His thumb brushed against my slit and I came undone right there, trembling as I groaned, collapsing on the bed. Esme growled, climbing on top of me.

"Next time, no releasing until I say so." He nipped at my bottom lip, his nails scraping against my thighs, ass, back, stomach, chest. I panted, staring at him. His lips pressed against the skin on my neck, sucking onto it before he looked up at me.

"What happened to you betraying Mack?" I breathed out.

He snorted, running his nose along my hips, and up to the crook of my neck. "You didn't really help now, did you?"

I grinned. "Why would I?" I retorted. He hummed, playfully glaring at me. I glanced up at his lips - they were big and looked really juicy. I just needed one small tiny kiss.

"August." Esme warned. I frowned at him.

"I didn't do or say anything." I pouted. He chuckled, running a hand through my hair. I bit my lip, staring up at him. I pushed myself up a bit and pecked his lips quickly.

"What was that for?" He said, slightly surprised. I shrugged, looking away as I blushed. He sighed, sitting up.

"Come on, go shower. I'll be waiting. Unless you don't want to go out anymore." He pointed to the bathroom.

I ran to the bathroom and hurried to get showered and ready.

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