Chapter 30

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"You're just gonna run back to him?" Cole asked, arms crossed over her chest.

"It's his mate, Cole." Alicia defended.

"He still hurt him a lot." Mack then grumbled.

"But he still loves him." Anne interjected.

"Still, he made him cry for God knows how long." Cole frowned.

"And he nearly rejected him." Mack added, and Alicia nodded in agreement.

I pursed my lips, looking down. "He's my mate and I love him." I whispered, teary eyed. "He apologized and he said he would make up for it. He promised." I pouted.

"No don't cry. You've done enough of that. We're just worried." Mack smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Of course, if he ever hurts you, I'll be the first to beat his ass up."

I sighed, pulling away when I heard the bell ring. I grabbed my bag, smiling at my friends. "I'll see you guys around."

"Don't forget to call!" They waved at me before I left.

"Hi, August." Benjamin smiled lovingly at me. I smiled back, kissing his cheek.

"I'm ready to go. Did you come by car?" I asked.

"I don't like cars. I'd rather run as a wolf." He explained.

I nodded. "Ok. Will you carry my bag for me then?" I asked, grinning.

He snorted. "Lions are strong enough to carry their own stuff I think." He muttered, laughing when I glared at him.

He started taking his clothes off once we had entered the forest and my breath hitched at the sight of his naked body. I was aroused easily.

"August?" he called out, turning around. A moan got caught in my throat and I blushed. He smirked, walking up to me in his naked glory.

"You're gonna get cold." I whispered, looking down at his member - I couldn't help but lick my lips.

"Which is why we should change into our animals." He said, placing a hand on my waist. I tilted my head to the side, submitting to him. I wanted this badly. I needed him.

"August." He said, frustratingly.

"Please." I begged. He groaned, pulling me flush against him. I moaned, looking up at him.

"It's cold August." Ben whispered. "And we're out in the open."

"We'll warm eachother up. And we'll be quiet and quick." I answered back.

He chuckled, pulling my jeans down. My eyes widened when I remembered I had slipped on a small pair of light pink lace panties. He stared down at me for a while before a growl resounded from his chest. I took my shoes and jeans off, blushing.

"Did you put this on just for me?" He asked, lips latching onto my neck.

"I was going to show you when we get home but I forgot and then I- well-" I pursed my lips.

"You naughty boy." He growled, picking me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and arms around his shoulders.

"They look great on you." He whispered, dipping a hand into the panties. I moaned, laying my head on his shoulder. He continued rubbing his hand along my member, skimming my tip every so often making my body jerk forward.

"Hold onto me tightly." He instructed, as his other and slowly slid down to my whole. I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Benjamin." I moaned, grinding onto him slowly. He hummed, as two digits entered me. I groaned, trying to make him move faster.

"Put it in." I demanded. He chuckled.

"Without preparation? No way. We don't even have lube." He refused.

I whined. "Bennie. Please. I want you now." I breathed out. He groaned, pulling his fingers out. I watched as he lubed himself up with his precum.

"As you wish." He whispered, kissing my cheek. I nodded, digging my nails into his shoulders as he pulled the pantie down a bit and entered me.

"You ok?" He asked softly, gripping my waist. I nodded quickly, lifting my head up. He lifted me up and rammed back into me. I moaned, lifting myself up and going back down again. He moaned, eyes changing color. He pushed me against a tree before he started hammering into me as hard and quick as possible. Let's say I wasn't quiet.

"B-ben-" I moaned, pulling him closer. "I-I'm c-close." I stammered, my teeth digging into his neck. He growled, going in deeper as his teeth dug into my skin too. We both came at the same time. He held me in his arms as my body sagged. I breathed heavily, eyes closed.

"You can't fall asleep." He whispered, pressing light kisses along my neck. I hummed, glancing at him. He smiled softly.

"Who got you these?" He asked, pulling at my underwear.

I blushed. "Alicia. She said they'd suit me."

"Do you like them?" He asked, quietly.

I burried my face in the crook of his neck. "Yes." I mumbled. He growled, two digits entering my whole again.

"I'd ravish you right now if we didn't have to go home." He rasped, pressing his lips against mine hungrily. I kissed him back with just as much power, but still letting him dominate me.

"Ok, let's go. Put your clothes into the bag. And then change into your lion for me, baby." He muttered, biting my lower lip softly. I nodded slowly, pouting when he let me down. I could feel his cum drip down my leg and blushed at that. He grinned, winking.

We changed back once we had arrived on pack grounds. August slipped into the same clothes he had worn while I decided to change - mostly because my jumper and panties were caked in cum. We had even stopped for crisps when I told him I was hungry.

"Can I go on your back? I'm tired." I asked Ben, smiling at him.

"You demanding child." He joked, crouching down.

"You're the one who started it." I reminded him, getting onto his back. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and crossed my legs around his waist before he started walking again. Every step he made had me moving up and down a little which in turn had my member rubbing against him. I wasn't usually this horny, but I couldn't help it. I laid my head on his left shoulder and moaned softly as I started grinding against him.

"August." He warned, holding my legs in a tight grip. I bit my lip, swallowing back another moan.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"You have to hold yourself, August. I swear I will take care of you tonight when we go to bed. And I will make sure that you are satisfied to the fullest, but right now, I'm surrounded by pack members and I know you wouldn't want them to see us make love, am I right?" He said slowly.

I nodded quickly. "Okay. I'll try." I replied.

"Thank you. Now don't worry. I have really good plans for us for tonight. First I'm going to take you home so we can have a shower. Once we're done, we're going to have dinner at a nice restaurant. After that, I will make love to you all night and into the morning."

I blushed, humming. "Sounds perfect."

He grinned, pecking my lips before we continued walking. I got off his back once he told me to close my eyes.

"Keep them closed." He ordered. I nodded, taking his hand. He pecked my hand before leading the way. We stopped after a few minutes and I frowned.

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Yes. Open your eyes, baby." He muttered, wrapping his arms around my waist as he hugged me from behind. I opened my eyes and gasped at the two story house.

"Is it ours?" I asked breathlessly.

"Yes it is. It's been on the market for a while and I've had an eye on it for quite some time now. Lily and I just finished moving in before I went to pick you up." He explained, taking me to the front door.

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