Chapter 21

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I woke up in panic as I heard a door close.

"Benjamin?" I called out.

"It's just me, sorry." Lily muttered as she smile wryly.

"Oh, ok. What time is it?" I asked.

"Morning. 7am. I'm off to school so, uh, bye." She replied.

"Did Benjamin not come home for the night?" I questioned.

"No, sorry. They were the old alpha's ashes and his best friend's. They were really close and his death hit him hard. He's just upset. He'll be fine, don't worry." She left.

I sighed, biting my lip. I walked out of the suite, deciding to go and look for Benjamin myself.

"Morning." I greeted a woman. She smiled slightly, before she walked the opposite direction. I pursed my lips, looking around until I found the kitchen. I was starving so I went in search of food instead. I grabbed a banana, an apple and a packet of crisps, taking back to the alpha suite. I decided on eating the banana first.

I moaned as I took the first bite. I was so hungry. "Best banana ever." I grumbled, taking another bite before I felt vomit down my throat. I rushed in search of the toilet but wasn't quick enough and threw up on the carpet. I groaned, clutching my stomach as it started to ache a bit. I heave and threw up a second time.

Just then, the door opened to reveal an small lady, a bit older than me.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" She panicked, rushing towards me. I nodded, backing up.

"I'm fine." I mumbled.

"I'm gonna call Benjamin." She said, taking her phone out. I shook my head quickly.

"No! Please don't call him. I'm fine, really." I pleaded. She pursed her lips, nodding.

"So you're the mate everyone's talking about." She then muttered.

I looked down shrugging. "They already hate me."

She smiled sadly. "As long as the alpha loves you, they can't do anything." She smiled reassuringly.

"He probably hates me too." I smiled sadly. She pursed her lips.

"I'm going to clean up a bit. You just rest, ok?" She suggested, patting my back.

"I'll help. I have nothing better to do." I replied. She accepted, and we both started cleaning up.

"So are you the cleaning lady?" I asked her. She laughed.

"You sound like a child. I'm not much older than you, you know?" She joked. "But yes, I'm the cleaning lady." She replied, laughing again. I smiled awkwardly.

We finished quickly and she left, waving goodbye. I sighed, looking around. I was still pretty hungry, but I didn't want to throw up again so soon.

I looked around the suite and tilted my head to the side as I reached what seemed to be his office. There was a photo of him, Lily, and another man, looking happy as they laughed. Behind it was a bookshelf filled with books. I smiled and grabbed one. I sat down on the couch and started reading.

"August." Lily mumbled, slightly surprised. I smiled, putting the book down.

"Are you already done?" I asked her.

"Well, yeah. It's 7 o'clock." She chuckled.

"It is?" My eyes widened, as I glanced down at my book. I hadn't even read half of it - then again, I couldn't read very well.

"Has my father come back?" She asked after a moment of silence.

"No, not that I know of. Why?" I pursed my lips.

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