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I began walking through the woods with my stick just poking anything that looks edible. After a lot of walking, I came across and dirt path '' What the fuck? '' I said quietly '' Why is there a path in the middle of the woods? '' I said to myself.

I looked around and grabbed a sharp rock writing on a tree of a circle...why?...well to mark where I've been, I kept walking until my knees became tired. I sat down on the side of the rock and looked at my stick and the rock and an idea came up.

I began sharpening the stick with the rock it worked...but still took forever. '' HAH! Finally..'' I said as I finished sharpening the stick, at that moment I heard something from the dirt road coming in the distance. ' People!? ' I said in my mind, ' I don't know if their gonna attacked me or not so ill just hide ' I reminded myself and ran to a tree and began climbing it. I watched as they came closer...there were 4 people.

The 4 were walking down the path...One had silver hair and a mask with a headband of some kind of symbol, There was also a blond kid with an orange and black jacket.

The third person had short pink hair nothing really special other than the pink hair, and finally, the last person was this boy that had a.....fucking crop top 'Wow okay that's new ' I thought to myself, I jamp to another branch that was really close. Sadly it made a noise, '' Oh shit....'' I whispered.

I looked back at the 4... ' wait- One...two...three... WHERE'S THAT SILVER HEAD MAN??!!! ' I thought.

'' Why are you spying on us? '' Said a voice behind me  '' WOAH!? '' I yelled and immediately fell off the branch. I was ready for impact when I hit the ground but for some reason, it never came. I opened my eyes to see the silver man's face ''uh... Hi there heh...'' I said nervously.

The man put me down and apologized before we knew it we heard '' Kakashi-sensei! Are you okay! '' I looked over to see those 3 other people come towards us. ' Kakashi-sensei? what the hell?...' I thought to myself.

I could hear them talking but I slowly was backing away, when I was far enough I immediately booked it. All I heard was '' H-Hey! get back here! ''But I kept running '' Dear LORD what have I gotten myself into?!!!?!?! '' I said to myself running back where my ' base '.

When I got there I was panting like hell '' holy my JEBUSE who the hell were those people'' I asked myself. I began climbing up the tree sitting up on my platform still questioning what just happened.

Not long after I see those same 4 people come closer they were right near my firepit looking around. I hid within the leaves with the leaves flowing through my hair.

' great what am I gonna do my stick is on the ground...' I thought to myself as I looked at branches I thought I was gonna use for something but I need something right now...I grabbed the branches and aimed for the blond one.

I throw right at him from above...HE DODGED IT?! when he dodged it he looked up towards me and yelled '' She's up there! '' '' Well shit...'' I grabbed more sticks and threw them at him. Again he dodged them ' Do I really suck at throwing or is this kid but something else ' when I was about to grab another stick I realized...I ran out...

'' damn...I can't fight like this...My physical strength isn't good...especially without food...crap..'' I said '' Gotcha! '' Someone yelled behind me jumping right at me '' GAHH! '' I moved out the way right before he was gonna grab me... I realized we were still up a tree and he would fall.

' Goddammit, stupid heart... ' I sighed and grabbed his hand from falling, It hurt like hell my stomach was pressing against the ruff wood and this kid wasn't very light '' Gahh! '' I huffed pulling him back up onto my platform ' how the hell did he get up here ' I thought as he disappeared into a cloud of smoke '' WHAT?!! '' I yelled 

See now I'm just scared what are these people?! As I was questioning everything someone hoped right in front of me causing me to blush of how close he was '' NARUTO! stop scaring her! '' I heard as I see a pink-haired girl jump up... ''Wait- Oh SHI- '' I realized there were too many people on the platform and it's not really sturdy...

the platform snapped causing everyone to fall, I was about to hit the ground before I felt arms wrap around my legs and back holding me bridal style.

It was that Kakashi guy again '' Why hello again please stop running '' He said with a closed eye smile and a sweatdrop on his visible face. I nodded but still nervous as he put me down '' alright now who are you? '' I looked down and mumbled '' Y/n...'' '' Hm? what was that? '' He asked '' My name...it's Y/n...'' I said looking up at him.

'' who...who are you?...'' I said quietly '' Well I'm Kakashi, and these are my students Naruto, Sakura, And Sai '' He pointed to each one of them '' Okay y/n where you from? '' Kakashi asked ' Where I'm from?... Speaking of which where am I? ' I asked myself '' I-...I don't know'' I said to Kakashi with my e/c eyes looking him right in his eyes. 

'' Kakashi-sensei we could take her back to the village! '' Naruto said '' Hmm...alright then '' Kakashi said '' Would you like to come y/n? '' Kakashi asked, I nodded in respawns. I looked back and grabbed my f/c headphones and stick. '' What's that? '' Asked Sakura pointing to my headphones '' My headphones? '' I said '' What does it do- '' She was cut off by none other Naruto '' WOAH is it some kind of Jutsu?! Is it a weapon! '' I asked excitedly.

' I swear I've heard their names somewhere... and that word Jutsu... ' I thought to myself ' wait- ISN'T IT FROM THAT ANIME?! ' My eyes widened ' Wow okay okay...calm down y/n... ' I said to myself '' N-no it's not that...It's for music '' I said '' Wow really! Can I try?? '' I asked I shrugged putting my headphones on his head '' WOW THESE ARE GREAT '' He pretty much yelled I took them off him and giggled a bit and smiled  '' cool huh? '' I said as my stomach growled 'Ah...I forgot I haven't eaten...eh whoops... ' I'm guessing everyone heard.

'' You hungry y/n? '' Asked Naruto, I just nodded in embarrassment, Naruto dug in his bag tossing me an apple '' There we go '' I smiled at me '' Thanks...Naruto '' I smiled at him for a moment. 


Okay for now on imma try at least to put over 1000 words okay?

enjoy the next chapter!

word count = 1234

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