|| 17 ||

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'' Haha, yup! '' I said scratching the back of my head. '' That's so cool! you must be as smart as Shikamaru to become a Shinobi at a young age! '' Naruto said pointing at me.

I laughed and shrugged '' Naruto remember I've only been here for maybe half a year maybe now? So, therefore, I became a Shinobi quicker then Shikamaru '' I said and smirked at Shikamaru.

Shikamaru huffed and crossed his arms. I laughed at his actions '' Aww I'm sorry Shikamaru but it's true '' I said patting his head even though he tall as fuck.

'' So y/n how is it with Kakashi? '' Sakura asked. I blushed still remember what happening earlier '' Well- You see me and Kakashi now are um... Together? '' I said looking away.

All the girls' faces were in that '' awe '' Face and the boys just stood there defeated.

We all had so much fun just hanging out even Sai enjoyed it. I love how this is my life and only mine.

'' Y/n we should totally have a sleepover some time! '' Ino said raising a fist up in the air in excitement.

I nodded with a bright smile. ''Yeah sound fun!'' I said then I remembered...

My birthday is in 2 days. I paused thinking ' Wow I'll be 17 ' Kiba waved his hand in front of my face trying to snap me out of the daze.

'' Yes, Kiba? '' I said looking at him. '' You okay you were spacing out '' He said.

I shrugged '' I just realized I'll be 17 in 2 days '' I said.

Kiba's face was shocked. I'm guessing Sakura and Ino heard '' Wait your birthday is coming and you didn't tell us?! ''Sakura yelled as with Ino.

I backed up a bit '' Whoops sorry I just don't celebrate my birthday usually so I don't bother saying anything '' I said

'' We gotta plan something! '' Ino said running off with Sakura. I sighed '' Well it's getting late I'm gonna head back '' I said to the boys and waved bye.

I reached in my pocket and found that Icha Icha paradise book. I chuckled and started to read it.

'' Wow, he really is a perv...'' I said to myself with a small giggle. I unlocked the door and walked inside still reading the book.

Someone yanked to book out of my hands ''Again not for kids '' Kakashi said '' I doubt that considering I'm pretty much 17 in 2 days '' I said snatching it back.

'' Wait- Your birthday is coming up and you didn't tell me? '' Kakashi asked sounding a tiny bit hurt ''I just don't usually do anything for my birthday but I'm guessing Ino and Sakura go that covered '' I said with a mushroom sigh.

'' Hey have you seen my headphones anywhere I couldn't find them this week '' I said looking in my room '' No but I'm sure they're here somewhere. '' He replied. I walked into my room and changed into shorts and a tank top.

After an eternity I found my F/c headphones. I smiled remembering my dad and mother. I put them on and choose and song closing my eyes. ( One Above ) I started to sing to it filling the room with a woman's voice.

The song-filled that one place in your heart that was empty. 

'' He will slay you with his tongue o lei a lai o lord~ '' You sang.

Soon enough the song ended as I opened my eyes to see Kakashi at my door leaning on it smiling. I blushed and looked away '' Didn't know you had such a beautiful voice '' Kakashi said walking to me.

'' Never really heard me'' I said turning to Kakashi and got up. We stood in front of each other until I walked closer pulling him down a bit kissing him lightly.

Kakashi kissed back and rested his forehead on mine. I smiled until I pulled him to the bed laying down with him and cuddled closer to him.

Kakashi wrapped his hands around me hugging me tightly until I fell asleep. '' Good night Y/n...I love you '' I heard him say until I fell into a deep calming sleep.

I woke up later to hear a knock at the door. I got up leaving Kakashi still sleeping on my bed and walked to the door opening it.

A shinobi was standing there '' Hello miss Y/n the Hokage request to meet her at her Office '' The Shinobi said.

I nodded and thanked him and closed the door. I walked to my room to see Kakashi sitting on my bed rubbing his eye.

'' good morning '' I said walking to my dresser. '' Where you off to? '' Kakashi asked '' The Hokages office '' I said.

'' For what? '' Kakashi asked getting up hugging me from behind resting his chin on my head. '' That is why I'm going to her office'' I said walking into the bathroom dressing into my Shinobi outfit.

I walked out to see Kakashi already dressed '' I have to go, babe, I'll see you later Love ya ''I said jumping out the window and running to the Hokages office.

I looked down to see all my friends but didn't stop I kept going. I reached to the office and knocked '' Come in '' The Hokages voice said.

I walked in to see 2 other Shinobi '' Thank you for coming Y/n, I got a mission you three '' She said leaning back into her chair.

'' Oh? What may that be? '' I asked '' Well you see it's a 4-day mission you have a mission to travel into the hidden mist village. The reason is we have recently found out they have stolen something of ours. It's a scroll in the wrong hands it could be VERY dangerous '' She said.

'' y/n I thought this would be good for you but also you would need help though this is a B rank mission. You leave tomorrow early...Dismissed '' The Hokage said.

We bowed and left. I walked out of the Hokages building and onto Konah's streets. I continued to walk until I saw Sakura at a medicine shop.

' I should probably buy some for the mission just in case...' I thought walking to it. I picked out a bottle of ointment and put it on the table grabbing money to pay for it.

'' Y/n? '' Sakura said I turned my head to her '' Why hello Sakura '' I said with a closed eye smile.

'' you excited for tomorrow? ''She asked happily. I sighed '' About that...'' I said '' huh? '' '' Well The Hokage gave me 4-day mission'' I said scratching the back of my head '' What?! but your birthday is tomorrow! '' Sakura said with a sad face.

'' A shinobi's job comes first '' That's all I said as I paid for the medicine. Sakura just looked at me in a sad face '' Look I promise when I come back we can have a party '' I said patting her head. '' Fine '' She said.

I smiled and nodded heading back to the apartment. When I got there and opened the door, Kakashi went out for a bit I'm guessing.

I shrugged going to my room and started to pack some things. I looked at my headphones thinking if I should bring them. 

'' They'll get wrecked '' I said. I grabbed the necklace that Kakashi gave me and put it on.

I smiled changed into some comfy clothes. I yawned and went to the couch and laid down.

'' I need rest '' I said to myself and started to read that perverted book.


Hey guys hope you liked this Chapter I'm so happy I got 200 readers and I'm almost  to 20 chapters! :D

Word count = 1354

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