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'' M-mommy? '' I said trying to get my mom's attention.

'' Your useless dammit! I can't even believe I loved you! '' Mom yelled at dad

'' Well, I'm not the one who has a stick up her ass! '' Dad yelled at mom

'' Fuck you F/n! I'm leaving! '' Mom yelled walking out of the door slamming it.

'' M-Mommy? '' I said while trembling '' Fuck ''F/n said walking to the other room.

I dropped to my knees and looked at my hands '' Why M-Mommy? '' I asked crying.

I got up and ran to my room grabbing my F/c headphones I got for my birthday from mom.

I started to play my music me and Mommy would listen to all the time.

I laid down on my bed hugging my knees crying.

'' Why mommy? ''

I woke up hearing a door open '' Y/n Kakashi is here to pick you up! '' Someone said.

I opened my eyes feeling something running down my cheeks, tears?

''Y/n! you alright your crying '' Sakura said sitting next to me '' I am? oh no, I'm fine '' I smiled slightly rubbing my cheeks.

'' Okay... Well get dressed and come down the lobby when you are ready okay? Then later we can go for lunch how about 11:45 I'll pick you up okay? '' Sakura said handing me my clothes and walking out

I smiled and got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

I took off the hospital robe and put on my ninja clothes and walked out, putting my hair into a ponytail.

I walked out of the room I was in walking into the hall heading for the stairs.

'' Guess they don't have elevators huh? '' I said quietly walking down the stairs reaching the lobby.

'' Morning dear '' Said the lady at the desk '' Morning '' I said with a smile heading to the waiting room.

When I got in there surprise surprise it was the silver hair ninja waiting there.

'' Good morning Kakashi '' I said walking up to him.

'' Oh, Good morning Y/n shall we go? '' '' Kakashi asked with a closed eye smile behind his mask.

'' Yeah okay, where do you want to go? Home? '' I asked continuing to walk out of the hospital.

'' Well, I believe you and sakura are going out fo lunch right? '' Kakashi said patting my head. I nodded my head ''What time is it anyway? '' I asked '' Well it is 11:23 am right now '' Kakashi said.

''Oh really? I better get ready then huh? '' I laughed as we got to the apartment and unlocked the door.

'' I'm gonna go take a shower okay Kakashi? '' I said walking towards the bathroom door.

'' Alright but you better hurry '' Kakashi said as I walked in the bathroom

I nodded and smiled as I closed the door jumping in the shower.

I finished the shower and dried myself off and got casual clothes on pretty much just an oversized T-shirt and some shorts.

Of course, I had my kunai and shurikens just on the case, but other than that I was casual.

I walked out of the bathroom putting my hair in a messy bun and walked to the living room.

'' Again sorry Kakashi that I had your book '' I said scratching the back of my head '' It's fine y/n '' Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

Away from home?! ( Kakashi x reader )Where stories live. Discover now