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I opened my eyes to find I was in another hospital? What?

It didn't look like Konah's hospital it's like...modern

I shot myself up off the bed and ran to the window '' I'm home? '' I said in a worrying voice.

I heard the door opened and looked behind me to find my dad...

I looked different no alcohol smell but he looked tired...

'' Y/n! '' Dad said running to me and pulled me in a tight hug. My eyes widened when he did that. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

'' D-daddy...'' I said hugging him '' I'm so sorry Y/n... Please don't ever leave me...'' He pleaded.

After a while, my dad let go of me '' Dad...what happened? '' I asked.

'' You want to bed one day and just disappeared you were found yesterday and got tokened to the hospital '' Dad explained.

I looked down remembering Kakashi and the others ' Was it all a dream? ' I thought.

'' And...Where did you get this from you were wearing it '' Dad said taking out of his pocket the necklace Kakashi gave me.

My eyes widened and took it from my head gently. Tears rolled down my face remembering him ' Will I ever see him again? ' I thought.

'' Y/n I'm sorry for all those years '' My dad said '' It's...It's okay I believe you '' I said.

I've been here for about 4 more days until I was allowed to go home.

I walked into my room looking around. '' It's...It's not here...'' I said looking for my F/c headphones.

I opened my drawer to find...

My ninja outfit? everything from the other world...

'' Y/n dinner is ready! '' I heard someone say ' What? Dinner? I thought I make dinner ' I thought walking downstairs to find my dad that made spaghetti.

A small smile came across my face and sat down with my dad.

This is the longest time I have ever spent time with my dad other than before. I finished my food and put it in the sink.

The house didn't smell like alcohol anymore it was nice, I felt more like home now.

But I miss Kakashi...

I miss all of them.

My eyes widened and ran to my room grabbing the laptop I rarely ever used and searched up Naruto.

It was all different...I was in there...

'' What is going? '' I asked myself...

I heard yelling downstairs but it was different there were two men my dad and one of his friends that were drunk.

The man was yelling about he didn't like that dad stopped drinking and my dad kept trying to get him out of the house.

I closed my door sat against the door making sure no one could get in.

I heard the man yelled then a loud bang and someone collapses.

I gasped and opened the door to find my dad on the floor and a broken bottle on the ground.

Away from home?! ( Kakashi x reader )Where stories live. Discover now